August 21, 2014
Jean Petrie
Target Financial Health This wonderful company hasn’t always been known as Target or “Tar-zhay” as some may call it. It first started off as Dayton Dry Goods Company in February of 1902 (Target, 2014). Within the next nine years founder George D. Dayton expands and begins to take on a new range of products and services. Dayton was a man of a generous nature and in his giving created The Dayton Foundation, whose purpose was to assist in the uplifting on mankind. That foundation was created in 1918 and still exists today as the Target Foundation (Target, 2014). A lot of Dayton’s principles and morals still exists despite the evolution of the company. He paved the way for other companies to enter new territory and do it without reluctance; because to him
“success is making ourselves useful in the world, valuable to society, helping in lifting in the level of humanity, so conducting ourselves that when we go the world will be somewhat better of having lived the brief span of our lives” (Target, 2014).
Economy, Industry and Firm In all of its 100 plus years of serving the community, Target has become the one stop shop for most households. With a variety of products ranging from toiletries to clothing, Target is what you would call the all-around retailer. With 1,793 stores throughout 49 states and 37 distribution centers in the United States, Target is taking the place or your local corner store (Target, 2014). This company’s sales, gross margins, and profitability are affected by current trends which alter consumer preferences, if Target does not comply with these changes it could negatively impact operating profit and cause Target to lose money on inventory items with spoilage and markdowns (Target, 2014). Due to the company’s dependency on macroeconomic conditions and significant sales in California, Texas, Florida, Minnesota and Illinois it is important to maintain consumer
References: Cable News Network . (2014). Target: 40 million Credit Cards Compromised . Retrieved from Morning Star . (2014). Target Corp . Retrieved from®ion=usa&culture=en-US Morning Star . (2014). Walmart Stores Inc. . Retrieved from®ion=usa&culture=en-US Reuters . (2014). Target Corp (TGT.N) . Retrieved from Target . (2014). Target Through the Years . Retrieved from Target . (2014). 2013 Annual Report 10-k part 1. Retrieved from Walmart . (2014). Walmart 2013 Annual Report . Retrieved from This is a hanging indent. To keep the hanging indent format, simply delete this line of text using the backspace key, and replace the information with your reference entry.