Taylor first develops the Taylorism in early 20th century, this system also known as “Scientific Management”. Taylor believes that the fundamental purpose of business management is to maximise labour productivity in both employee and employer side, for the purpose of improve economics efficiency. So according to Taylor himself in The Principles of Scientific Management, 1911, “The principal object of management should be to secure the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity for each employee.” The purpose is to increase labour productivity in order to increase corporate profits or achieve the goal of profit maximization. This essay will answer what is “Taylorism”, what are criticisms of it and do firms uses Taylorism today.
Main features of Taylorism Scientific management, as the named called, is an initial attempt that applies science method to business enterprises, which experience dramatically development and create problems with the labour control. The main aim of Talyorism is achieve economics efficiency by identifying every individuals tools and work processes in production, then use scientific experiment to establish a standard production processes in order to maximase efficiency. Therefore, classify reasons that lead to inefficiency become essential. In Taylorism, inefficiency exists in both workers and management; “slacking” and “soldering” are main inefficiency factors. Moreover, there are two forms of soldiering, natural which due to natural instinct of men to stretch-out and systematic soldiering that refer to relations between workers. In manager side, inefficiency can be regard as incompetence. (Rose, 1978) The most creative part of Taylorsim is “work-study”, that is an experiment of work in order to find “one-best-way” to fulfill the task. The procedure of work-study include, first is select certain amount of skilled labour,
References: Charles D. Wrege and Richard M. Hodgetts (2000), The Academy of Management Journal: Frederick W. Taylor 's 1899 Pig Iron Observations: Examining Fact, Fiction, and Lessons for the New Millennium Frederick W. Taylor, The Principles of Scientific Management (New York: Harper Bros., 1911) Gaurav Akrani (2011) Criticism of Taylor 's Scientific Management – Limitations, KALYAN CITY LIFE NetMBA (2010) Frederick Taylor and Scientific Management Ritzer George. (1996), ‘An Introduction to McDonaldization’, in The McDonaldization of Societ, Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press Rose, M (1987) “Rational Work Men and Incompetent Managers” in Industrial Behavior: Theoretical Development Since Taylor