1.1 Identify the current legislation and codes of practice relevant to the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity.
There is various legislation and codes of practice relevant to the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity in including:
Human Rights Act 1998 – Gives further legal status to the standards on Human Rights that was set out in 1948 with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This highlighted the principle that all humans have the same rights and should be treated equally. This act also sets out the rights of all individuals and allows individuals to take action against authorities when their rights are affected.
Every Child Matters 2003 – Every Child Matters was introduced for all organisations and agencies in order to ensure they work together to ensure that they support the children they work with, between birth and 19 years, fully in order for them to achieve the 5 outcomes they set out. The acronym SHEEP can help you to remember them:
Stay safe
Enjoy and achieve
Economic wellbeing
Positive contribution
SEN Code of Practice 2001 – The Special Education Needs and Disability Act (SENDA) 2001 was introduced to strengthen the rights of parents and SEN children into a mainstream education. It also made significant changes to educational opportunities that are available to children with disabilities and special educational needs which means that these children are more likely to be educated in mainstream schools.
UN Convention of Rights of the Child 1989 – The UK signed the legally binding agreement in 1990 which leads on from the Human Rights Act. This act sets out the rights of children to be treated equally and fairly without being discriminated against. This treaty was ratified in 1991 by the UK government and they ensured that all rights of children are protected through law. This legislation also makes their rights extensive making sure that all children have a right to an
Bibliography: Baker. B, Burnham. L, (2010) Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Harlow: Heinemann Baker