1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 2.3, 2.1, 2.4
To build relationships
When a new parent or a pupil joins the school setting the first thing they do is in some form of communication starting with as little as “hello”
To share ideas and thoughts
People are creative and want to share their ideas and thoughts with others
To maintain relationships
Saying “Good morning” to someone or asking “How was your break?” is part of maintain relationships at work
To express needs and feelings
People need to express there feeling and needs if not they can become frustrated or isolated
To gain and share information
Gaining and sharing information not just with children but sometimes with colleagues or other professionals can helpful
To gain reassurance and acknowledgement
Praising children leads to good behaviour part of it is because they are reassured that their behaviour is good. Acknowledging someone did well in there writing will mean they will do it again. Asking children what they are doing or taking an interest in their work is also promoting a good attitude towards work. Same for adults! Transition
Primary to Secondary transition – Primary schools are often visited by Secondary schools teachers and trips can be provided on the open days when children from primary get to know what it will be like in secondary. The communication between both schools is vital to the child’s progress.
Settling in
Children find it hard to settle if they don’t trust the school especially if they have never been to school before therefore communication and reassurance is vital not just to the child but often more to the parent.
Supporting children’s play and learning
Children can settle in more effectively when they are relaxed. This is linked to the quality of relationships with parent they will also benefit more from play
Sharing and gaining information
To work effectively we will need to gain and share information with others. It might me
When face to face we should consider