April 21, 2013
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Source 1: "Taylor Mali | Bio." Taylor Mali. Taylor Mali, n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2013.
Taught middle school, high school and college for 9 years
Reflects on teaching in “What Teachers Make”
Reflects on teaching in “What I Make”
Source 2: "What Teachers Make: In Praise of the Greatest Job in the World." Publishers Weekly 3 May 2012: n. pag. Ebscohost.com. Web.
Aspired to change the world through teachers did this through his poetry
“What Teachers Make”
Decided he was going to convince 1,000 people to become teachers
His tribute to society
Pays tribute to important people in his life through his poetry
“Labeling Keys”
Lived in New York, London, Kansas, and Main
Taught english, history and math
Source 3: Howell, Dave. "Taylor Mali : A Colorful and Witty Provocateur." Morning Call[Allentown, PA] 1 Apr. 2012: n. pag. Infoweb.newsbank.com. Web. 14 Apr. 2013.
Won the National US Poetry Slam Championships 4 times
Goal is to make people enjoy poetry
Advocate for teachers and education believes he can make a change for the better in the upcoming generations through poetry and teachers
Uses YouTube as a way of spreading his ideas
Writes about important topics in his life
“"Totally like whatever, you know?"
From New York City
Wrote his first poem at 5
He doesn 't do his jobs for the money (poetry, teaching)
"Taylor Mali" StudyMode.com. 12 2012. 12 2012
Born on March 28, 1965 in New York
Married to Rebecca Ruth Tauber died in 2004
Victim of Suicide inspired many of him poems
Howell, Dave. "Taylor Mali : A Colorful and Witty Provocateur." Morning Call[Allentown,
PA] 1 Apr. 2012: n. pag. Infoweb.newsbank.com. Web. 14 Apr. 2013.
"Taylor Mali | Bio." Taylor Mali. Taylor Mali, n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2013.
"What Teachers Make: In Praise of the Greatest Job in the World." Publishers Weekly 3 May
2012: n. pag. Ebscohost.com. Web.
Bibliography: Howell, Dave. "Taylor Mali : A Colorful and Witty Provocateur." Morning Call[Allentown, PA] 1 Apr. 2012: n. pag. Infoweb.newsbank.com. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. "Taylor Mali | Bio." Taylor Mali. Taylor Mali, n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2013. "What Teachers Make: In Praise of the Greatest Job in the World." Publishers Weekly 3 May 2012: n. pag. Ebscohost.com. Web.