This policy offers every child an equal opportunity to learn and not be discriminated against because of their disability, ethnic background ,physical , sensory or cognitive impairment .
This gives children with special needs an opportunity to reach their full potential .
Teachers , parents and educational authorities come together to make an eduction plan for each child concerned.
They adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of each child concerned and provide that child with equal opportunities and inclusion.
This also provides equal opportunities for boys , girls and children from different social and cultural backgrounds , including children that come from a travelling background .
2. 5 factors that can affect the success of inclusive education:
1, Good communication between the child, parents and teaches can have an affect on the success of inclusive education .
This gives the teachers and education professionals a deeper understanding of that child's needs .
They can then plan thats child's education and give that child an education that is specifically right for them .
2, The school should also take into account the requirements of each child .
Taking into account their understanding and the age of each child concerned and providing them with provisions that is right for them .
This enables that child to have an education plan for their specific needs that is unique to them .
3, Regular checks on a child's progress can have an affect .
By ensuring that the child is making progress, that the teaching plan is working for them and that they are getting the maximum benefits can affect the success of inclusive education .
By having regular checks they can