Why become an educator? Being an educator gives me the opportunity to be a role model in my student’s eyes. I will have the fine privilege of nurturing and shaping the future generation of our societies. When I was a young boy growing up in school I didn’t really like it. I struggled with the more theory based subjects such as Mathematics and Geography but excelled in practical subjects such as Engineering and Construction studies. I was extremely lucky I had two phenomenal teachers in both Construction studies and Engineering who worked with my strengths, encouraging me to be the best I could possibly be. Now I want to be that teacher. I want to fulfil my role as a teacher, to shape my students lives giving them the ultimate educational …show more content…
These groups would then explore the different concepts within the content and encourage critical thinking amongst the students, similar to Freire’s consensus outlined in his book “The Pedagogy of the oppressed”. “In problem-posing education, people develop their power to perceive critically the way they exist in the world with which and in which they find themselves; they come to see the world not as a static reality; but as a reality in process, in transformation” (Freire, 1970, 1993, p. 64). Lots of conversation and collaboration are the two main ingredients contributing to my philosophy of education. While the interest of the child is essential to shaping the educational environment the teacher and their wellbeing is equally important in this process. The idea is not to let children do whatever they please rather the teacher use professional judgement to shape this process. Without an important grasp of the content and the direction of a well-trained teacher, the child’s education would be lacking. I feel that education and life are interconnected and come hand in hand with one another. Treating education as a part of life as opposed to preparation for it, students would learn to become independent, productive citizens. “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” (John Dewey, Experience and Education). They would develop these qualities through problem based learning, the idea is that students learn about a topic or subject through active problem solving. I am a true believer of a child centred democratic approach to schooling. I am firmly rooted in a pragmatist paradigm on the importance of a learner’s interaction with their facilities