Diabetes Mellitus
Background: Pt is a 30 y.o. African American recently diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitis. Pt states she does exercise regularly. Hx of diabetes in the family. Willing to learn and comply with the diet recommended as long she does not have to give all of her regular foods.
Patient/ Family Centered Goals 1. Patient & family will be able to identify the S/S of hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, & ketoacidosis 2. Patient & family will be able to explain how to administer insulin using proper technique 3. Patient & family will understand the importance of maintaining a proper diet 4. Patient & family will understand the precautions needed when it comes to proper foot care
Teaching Plan 1. Nurse will notify the patient of when the teaching will occur so that they will have adequate time to notify any family members they want present to learn as well 2. Nurse will provide a handout for the patient to take home which lists S/S of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia as well explain those the patient may be confused about 3. Nurse will demonstrate the proper technique the patient should use when obtaining their blood sugar 4. Nurse will explain the procedure of drawing up insulin and administering it as well as explain the importance of rotating sites 5. Nurse will explain how the sliding scale is to be used if one is ordered 6. Nurse will explain the Do’s & Dont’s of proper foot care 7. Nurse will explain the effects of exercise on the patient’s body as well as how it affects their blood sugar and how it is beneficial 8. Nurse will inform the patient to call the Dr if their blood sugar is >250-300 mg/dL as well as if ketonuria is present for more than 24h 9. Nurse will explain the importance of complying with the diet recommended and assist in ways the patient can comply without givin up all food preferences 10. Nurse will leave time for the patient to ask any