A. Introduction
Putu Darma Putra (2013) in his seminar says that “World is words, how nice and influence they are; appears in a dictionary.” Words are really powerful for good and evil. They can transform in the hands of someone who knows how to choose and combine them. As we know, English as an international language has an important role in dealing with the world. For dealing with the world we need to deliver our thought by using words or vocabularies. We can imagine how powerful vocabulary is.
As well known, vocabulary is the knowledge of words and word meanings. It is very necessary to teach vocabulary during English lesson. The reason why vocabulary is taught at school is because students need to improve their vocabulary to use in the real life. Students speak English in their daily life; they are speaking with other person vocabularies. If students have a small stock of vocabularies, this would be obstacles when they are talking to someone else or reading English textbook. So, it is really important to teach vocabulary intensively.
There are many ways of teaching and learning vocabulary. The rules and strategies of teaching vocabulary items in the classroom should be innovative and proficient. Research shows that the key strategy to teach vocabulary effectively is by using a media that can make students are interested in the lesson. Using teaching media in teaching and learning process can motivate and develop student’s vocabulary mastery.
According to Shahla Yassael (2012), teaching language skills through mechanical exercises and traditional fill-in-the-blank, true/ false, and multiple-choice assessments does not interest students as much as we expect. Almost of students get bored when they just read text book and more of them just read the words without know what the meaning of it is. Poor readers usually read less, because reading is difficult and frustrating for them. It means