Using the concepts and frameworks presented in the Leading Teams course, I will analyze the effectiveness of my team’s ability to engage in a consulting process to assess the team-based needs of and provide solutions to a client of an independent business.
A four-member team was designed to participate in a number of group activities during the Leading Teams course; however, the majority of team interactions were related to activities associated with leading a consulting project. Each member of this team, including myself, worked interdependently (reciprocal-type) to assess team-based needs of a client, and to produce deliverables for both the client and the course. Given the complexity of the task, it was clear that indeed a team was needed to produce the necessary deliverables. Team members were selected from a pool of classmates in the course.
Team Objective
The team’s objectives were to: 1) to assess the team-based needs of the client; and 2) to provide key recommendations to the client to help him improve his team’s effectiveness.
Organizing Towards an Objective
Designing a team with high performance
Based on the project requirements, I determined that the team should consist of individuals who have strong interpersonal, tactical, and problem-solving abilities. My previous work-experience informed these team selection criteria. Working with clients in a short-time frame presents a number of challenges. A major challenge is building a meaningful trusting relationship with the client to facilitate timely access to information and data to inform the deliverable. I also understood that having access to a client was essential to the success of this project.
The Original Team
Considering the scope and complexity of the project, I sought to create a diverse team with tactical, interpersonal, and problem-solving competencies who also had a broad network. My original team consisted of 5 individuals, including 3 women and 2 men from diverse