Team Strategy Plan
1. Complete the following table to address the creation of teams at Riordan Manufacturing.
Strategy Strengths Weaknesses
Clear expectation of goals Better measuring of objectives and increased efficiency in objective measuring Is reluctant in discussing communications and is distant in relationships.
Channels of communications Keys to develop healthy associations are developed such as knowledge and bonding. Since there is a lot of time devoted to developing association’s actual efficiency is lacking.
Conflict Resolution Resolves issues and conflicts effectively demonstrate skills and prepares associates for their next agenda. There might not be any discord so there for valuable company resource might be wasted.
Consequences Innovativeness and creativeness are developed. Associates are made responsible and more accountable for their acts of omissions. Normal day-to-day activity might suffer. This can contribute to short-term loss.
2. Identify the team formation strategy that is most suitable for Riordan Manufacturing, and provide the rationale for the decision. Your response should be at least 100 words.
Superintendents at Riordan Manufacturing believe teams are an essential way to distribute job duties and complete a task on time. Teams will begin to form from current employees and some new hire. The objective of the teams is to start production of the newly designed CardiCare Valve at the Pontiac Michigan facility. The purpose of this paper is to identify strategies available to form the teams. In addition there are challenges or barriers that may happen. Also how to determine the best strategy will be discussed. Last, to ensure effectiveness, certain measures were taken to determine each team’s success.
There are many strategies to use in creating successful teams. After selecting team members the superintendents agree on five strategies useful in team