Candidate: Date: Evidence Number: 1
1 Observation by Assessor | | 2 Expert WitnessEvidence | | 3 Witness Testimony | | 4 Candidate Review | | 5 Professional Discussion | | 6 Oral or Written Questions | | 7 Other | √ | 8 APL | | Description of EvidenceUnit 31: Understand how to manage a team | 31-1.131-1.231-2.131-2.231-2.331-2.431-2.531-2.631-3.131-3.231-4.131-4.231-4.331-4.431-5.131-5.2 | The key features of an effective team performance are: * Leaders who are hands-on, who unite their staff behind a shared purpose, and who are transparent and open in their expectations and pursuit of excellence. * Clarity of vision, which is absolutely focused on the experience of children and young people and uncompromising in its ambition. * A commitment to continual improvement, always being willing to learn and ask ‘what could we do better?’ * The passion and energy of staff who are deeply committed to their work, and the recruitment, training and management systems which identify these staff and support them to grow and develop. * Absolute consistency in the management of behaviour so that young people understand and respect the boundaries that are set and respond positively to encouragement, rewards and meaningful sanctions * Clear communication among all members. * Regular brainstorming sessions with all members participating. * Consensus among team members. * Problem solving done by the group. * Regular team meetings that are effective and inclusive. * Timely hand over from team members to others to ensure consistency and responsibility. * Positive, supportive working relationships among all team members.Dr Meredith Belbin studied team-work for many years, and he famously observed that people in teams tend to assume different "team roles." He defined a team role as "a tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way" and named nine such team