a. Management definition
• Achieving the goals of the organization using the resources of the organization efficiently and effectively
b. Mission Statement
• A concise statement that summarizes the goals of the organization for consumers, investors, and employees
c. Value and Price
• As value increases, so does price, and vice versa; direct correlation between the two
d. Channel of Distribution
• MFG-Wholesaler-Distributor-Retailer-Consumer
e. Historical Cycle of US Business
• Farming-MFG-MKTG-Information Technology/Knowledge
B. What is a Team Definition: A collection of interdependent individuals who share the responsibility of achieving the outsoles and goals set by the organization.
a. Shared goal: the purpose of a team to accomplish; success depends on everyone on a team working towards the same shared goal.
b. Interdependence: team members must rely on one another to let shared objectives. Example: information, expertise, resources, and support.
c. Bounded and Stable: Bounded= identifiable membership; know who is on the team, who is not. Stable= tenure of membership.
d. Self-management: authority to manage own work and internal processes.
e. Social context: impact of the team on the organization and vice versa.
C. Types of Teams in Organizations
a. Manager Led Teams: Team executes goals set by the manager through the methods and processes also set by the manager.
b. Self-Managing Teams: Manager sets the goals while the team members set their methods to achieving goals.
c. Self-Directing Teams: Members set outcomes and methods for the team; still report to manager.
d. Self-Governing Teams: Members not only set their own goals and processes, but the goals and processes for other teams as well.
D. Critical Success Factors
a. Clear direction: basic purpose of the team, which everyone shares and strives to achieve
b. Real task: team assigned collective