1. Understand the attributes of effective team performance
1.1 Define the key features of effective team performance
Teamwork may contribute to increased staff well-being as well as improved patient outcome. In order to effectively teach and reliably assess the quality of teamwork, it is necessary to identify the behaviours associated with effective teamwork and their interplay in relation to clinical performance ratings and ultimately to patient outcome. The main challenge to established teams is to maintain enthusiasm and momentum. This can be achieved by promptly overcoming workload obstacles, resolving conflict between individuals and giving timely feedback on performance. Staffs need to know when they do good work and once the momentum is built, it is easier to maintain and transfer across a number of activities. Overall team performance relies heavily on the individual commitment and contribution of all its established members. The effective established teams are characterised by team members who are enthusiastic, communicate trust to their time efficiently by concentrating on the most important work assignments.
Effective teams have regular meetings which takes place in my home every 6 weeks where we discuss policies and procedures, working together to understand our service users, to deliver the best quality of care. In these meetings we update team members and work together to ensure that key outcomes are achieved. The team interacts, shares advice, gives and receives constructive criticism and adapt practice as necessary. We also inform staff about available trainings. In between them, they ask for appropriate advice, support and information when required.
Teams are groups of people that share a common purpose, to which they are all committed, and who are empowered to set goals, solve problems and make decisions.
Without these common traits they are not a 'team' - they are a group of