Part I
Team Strategy Plan
1. Complete the following table to address the creation of teams at Riordan Manufacturing. What are possible structures for the creation of teams?
|Strategy/Structure |Strengths |Weaknesses |
| |(Minimum of two) |(Minimum of two) |
|Stating goals and expectations clearly |Ensures individuals are goal-oriented, |Lack of uniqueness, no focus on individual |
| |efficiency in tasks |personalities |
|Opening lines of communication |Allows individuals to become familiar with |Productivity may be lost because of too |
| |each other, builds compassion toward others|much personal communication, Teams may fall|
| | |apart after becoming too familiar with |
| | |others |
|Team composition strategy |Considers many characteristics of |How individuals will interact with one |
| |individuals, identifies specific sets of |another is unknown, Individuals with |
| |skills in individuals |similar personalities may clash |
| | | |
| | | |