Technological environment: trends and developments in the technological field that might: (a) improve production; (b) create new product opportunities;(c) render existing products obsolete; (d) change the ways in which goods and services are marketed; or (e) change the profile of customers' needs and wants.
A technology offered by telephone carriers that allows for the rapid transfer of voice and data.
Internet ...
Technological Environment - that part of the firm's external environment in which changes in technology affect the firm's marketing effort; the changing technological environment may pose threats or present opportunities.
For example, the technological environment may affect the organization's R & D department. Further, these forces of the environment may have direct effect on some parts but indirect effect on others.
Impact of Environment
January 27, 2010 by Hitesh Bhasin Leave a Comment
Every organisation has to work within a framework of certain environmental forces and there is a continuous interaction between the organisation and its environment. The interaction suggests a relationship between the two. This relationship can be analyzed in three ways.
First, the organisation can be thought of as an input-output system. It takes various inputs-human, capital, technical-from the environment. These inputs are transformed to produce outputs-goods, services, profits-which are given back to the environment. Thus, the organisation merely performs the function of input-output mediator. In this process, the environment in its interaction with the internal factors of the organisation will determine what kind of inputs should be taken or