In the period 1976 towards 1990 some leading established companies of the hard disk industry were faced with technological changes and lost their leadership in the market. This paper tries to discuss this shift according to Kuhn’s view of paradigms shift and corresponding mechanisms. This is done according to analyse technological innovation based on sustaining and disrupting technological changes. In this paper we will use the terms sustaining and disrupting technologies to indicate Kuhn’s normal and revolutionary processes towards a potential paradigm shift. Furthermore, it is discussed if the shift between the two paradigms was a rational one. The paper shows that the established companies and corresponding engineers were aware of the new disruptive technological changes but choose not to invest in them. Incommensurability of which specifications were most important and unawareness of the possibility of future change and the potential for inconsistencies in their own paradigm resulted in shifting too late towards this new paradigm. Therefore, this paradigm shift can be described more as a strategically instead of technological paradigm shift.
Nowadays technology devices in the multimedia sector tend to become smaller and smaller. Companies like Apple develop different applications such
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