Part 1
Forming tags on you blog is beneficial for you and your visitors. Having blogs allows visitors to enter a certain word, search that specific topic and see the different blogs and opinions on that word. It is beneficial for bloggers because it allows people to search their blogs easier. Tags group different blogs together by that one word. Tags in wordpress can be activated under Post Tags Module. You can add tags one at a time by clicking the Add button or hitting the Enter/Return key on your keyboard after typing each tag. Or you can add multiple tags at a time by separating them with a comma as you type
Creating a blog roll allows you to share other blogs that are interesting to you, that other bloggers may enjoy as well. It allows you to share other interest to your bloggers that they wouldn’t explore on their own. You can introduce new topics and opinions with your bloggers that can help your blog as well. Also it is good to have a blog roll because of support. You add someone’s blog to yours and they will add your blog as well. It helps you attract more readers to your blogs.
In my blog it talks about the different technology that is revolving with online shopping. My blog can be used in the business aspect when it comes to business owners starting their online boutiques. It can help them with directions and what to consider. Online shopping is increasing over time, but there are factors that customers still complain about, which include not being able to try clothes on. However, in my blog brings to light the company that allows customers to virtually try on clothes. This could help a small boutique because they can link up with the company.
SEO are internet usages such a Google and Bing. You can image search, video search, and web search. The more a website is searched and could be found in a SEO the more a targeted audience will visit the specific website. A SEO shares similarities with tagging because it has