When communicating there is a need for use of a various communication skills these are all dependent on the position of the individual and the context of the communication taking place. The identification of this is important as there are many barriers that may arise if the language or terminology used is not understood, which can lead to the message being lost.
There needs to be flexibility when recognising the correct type of communication required for the situation you are in. …show more content…
Telephone and Text could be improved by keeping a log or possibly document each thing discussed on the phone and also the receiver’s response along with the date and time of the phone call.
Email is effective in the most part, each of its cons are easily fixed.
3.1 A working partnership
4.1 As a manager within health and social care I am required to maintain confidences obtained via work and with respect to the staff I deal with. However if issues arise that are of public interest then confidence may be broken.
Examples of this are:-
If a crime has been committed or is believed to have been committed
If malpractice occurs
If abuse is suspected
In order to prevent suicide
If professional misconduct has occurred
In the event of confidentiality being breached I as the senior am required to take disciplinary and or legal action.
From a legal point of view I am obligated to follow the laws that are associated with maintaining confidentiality, these