important than others, as it is used in jobs schools, shops, and many other places. Technology is
something that can be very useful and effective but if misused it can be a threat to its society.In
the movie, Elysium by Neil Blomkamp, which was released on August 7, 2013 as well as the
novel, 1984, the use of technology is displayed throughout the two stories but it is shown more
advanced and it is more used and shown within the society in the movie, Elysium. In the novel,
1984, all of Oceania’s citizens are under surveillance twenty-four seven through telescreens
which are monitored by the inner party members which are only 2% of Oceania’s population. …show more content…
She also sends robots along with Agent Kruger as his “soldiers” which are
controlled by her staff back in Elysium. This shows how the technology is significant in the
movie since it came in handy to when the government wanted to find someone. Even though the
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use of technology is used in both Elysium and 1984, only Elysium’s high tech is able to track all
of its citizens and get the exact coordinates when needed if they ever want to with the help of
their robots, target finding systems, satellites or the complex computers, which are shown being
used by spider. Hence if looked at both, Elysium and 1984, the use of technology is used more
throughout Elysium. It not only offers more and different types of surveillance equipments that
are offered to the ruling party only but it is offered to all such as the citizens of earth as well as
Elysium unlike 1984 where technology plays a small role since it is only offered to the inner
party which is, in total, 2% of Oceania’s population.
The police played a huge role in both of the movie’s and the novel’s storyline but with …show more content…
But Elysium, directed by Neil Blomkamp, has technology play a bigger role which is more effective in the society rather than if compared to Orwell’s novel, 1984. In conclusion, both, 1984 and Elysium, have used technology throughout each of their storyline but it has played a bigger role more effectively in Elysium. This is because , as shown in Elysium, the surveillance in the movie comes with other features such as target finder and technology is offered to both the earth’s citizens and Elysian’s citizens. Furthermore, even though both, 1984 and Elysium, each have police forces, it can easily be noticed that Elysium’s force is a lot stronger than 1984’s police force and that is mostly because of the technology’s larger impact on Elysium’s