Shelley composed this novel on a dark, rainy night while telling horror stories for entertainment. This book is about a man called Victor, who creates a so called “monster” by patching pieces of human body parts together. Victor refers to the “monster” as a work of technology and science. Story goes on… monster turns on him...kills Victor's loved ones...kills himself. Technology: the good, the bad, and how we’ll work in the future is an article written by TD Magazine explains the statistics of technology coming to the ever changing world. It gives information of studies done to predict technology use in the future.
Medical Technology: Pushing the Boundaries of Life is another article written by Express paper, gives information about the present and future use of technology in the medical field. Statistics are also given to better inform us about medical technology and how it will help.
The Crispr Quandary is another article written by Jennifer Kahn for the New York Times. In this article Khan talks of the new Crispr development in DNA editing. ***EXPLAIN …show more content…
The advancements that medical technology offers is great compared to past medical advancements. There are many clinical trials starting HIV treatment in the form of DNA editing. People are “conducting a clinical trial of a treatment for HIV.” Many medical scientists have drawn the blood of HIV positive volunteers and attempted to alter the cells to “kill” the HIV disease. As more advancements evolve, scientists could tweak the human immune system. This would make all common illnesses such as colds and allergies disappear. One way of DNA editing is crispr and “crispr could be used to kill one strain of bacteria in a mixture of