9 April. 2012
Teen pregnancy has long been a social issue in the United States; statistics show it is becoming more widespread. The U.S has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the modern world, that’s twice as high as in England or Canada (“Background on teen age pregnancy”). In the U.S alone, there are about 400,000 infants being born to mothers ages 15-19 each year (“US has highest teen pregnancy rate”). Expecting teen moms tend to not complete or excel High school, there for, being put in a lower educational group than others who finished high school. This goes hand in hand with about 80% of unmarried teen mothers ending up on welfare. Pregnancies with teen girls between the ages of 15-19 are growing drastically. However a three pronged approach can remedy the problem: parents educating their children better, schools providing a well in-depth Sexual Education class as well as provide birth control and condoms, and finally laws and cost on birth control need to be more reasonable.
Aspects of religion play many parts in teenage pregnancy. Teens growing up in a religious society never knowing all their options for safe sex. This is because, many religious groups believe abstinence until marriage is the only topic of discussion, there for, that’s all they teach (“Abstinence-only Education”). These believers think that if they have sex before marriage they will in fact come in contact with diseases and pregnancy (“Abstinence-only Education”). Telling these teens to just not have sex and wait till marriage is unrealistic. Only teaching your child about abstinence does them no help if they are already having sex. Half of all teenagers will have had sex by the time they leave high school, and about half of those kids would have had close to no education about sex ("Abstinence-only Education"). Sometimes, it’s not their choice to have sex. Their boyfriend could have forced them to or talked them into doing things they