Smoking is a major public health problem worldwide (World Health Organization 1997, 1999; Satcher 2001; Gori 2002). A recent estimate suggested that 29 percent of the adult population were smokers globally in 1995 (Peto & Lopez 2000). Deaths due to tobacco use are expected to increase from four million in 1999 to 10 million in 2030 (Murray & Lopez 1996). By then, tobacco use is expected to cause more premature deaths and disabilities than any other single cause. These expected increases in death are not distributed evenly across the regions. Developing regions are expected to experience much larger share of the increases than the developed regions. For example, the Asian region is expected to experience a fourfold increase while the developed regions will experience a 50 percent increase (Jha et al. 2002). Smoking among teens is associated with additional health and social problems. Smoking affects the physical growth and activities of teenagers. The younger people start smoking, the more likely they are to become strongly addicted to nicotine.
Furthermore, teens who smoke are much more likely to use alcohol, use drugs, engage in fighting, and engage in unprotected sex (Center for Disease Control 1994; Willard & Shoenborn 1995). Most smokers begin smoking during their teen years. Yet, studies on smoking behavior among teens are rare for most Asian countries. This paper examines the prevalence of smoking, the age pattern of initiation of smoking, and factors associated with current smoking status among 15–19 year olds in Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Thailand using data from national youth surveys collected in recent years.
Teenage smoking - Giving adults something to stress about.
Teenage smoking is something that has been going on in the world for more than a while now. Youthful smoking is widely accepted in many cultures, with the exception of that of the United States. In the more recent years of the United States history, much money has been wasted on researching the effects of smoking and advertising those effects. I believe that there is no warrant for any action to be taken against teenage smoking.
Every year, the controversy of teenage smoking grows more intense in the United States. More and more research is done on the effect nicotine has on the human body, and consequently more money is spent to advertise the advantage to quitting smoking. More facts such as, The average age of first tobacco use is now 11-15 (CDC. 1994), Everyday, 3,000 young people become regular smokers (Pierce, J. JAMA. 1989), More than 3 million American adolescents currently smoke (CDC 1994) come out each year to show that youths are choosing to smoke.
The people that believe that teenage smoking should cease all value the same things: safety, personal health, money, and things relating to these. The same is true for those who believe in freedom of choice and teenage smoking, they believe in things such as personal freedom, basic rights, and fun.
In the Philippines, the number of women who smoke is constantly on the rise. It is a phenomenon that, in recent years, seems to affect the youngest most of all: 30% of girls between the ages of 13 and 15 smoke regularly.
According to a recent study conducted by the Southeast Asia Tabacco Control Alliance, 18.7% of Filipino young women between the ages of 13 and 25 smoke cigarettes. The numbers go up if the sample is restricted to teenagers between 13 and 15: 3 out of 10 already have the smoking habit. Among female smokers, 60% say that they smoked their first cigarette at the age of 18, while the remaining 40% say they started when they were still very young.
They continue to smoke despite the fact that they are aware of the risks connected to smoking: nine girls out of ten know that smoking can cause lung cancer, infertility, early menopause, osteoporosis, and hysterectomy. For this reason, the country has begun an anti-smoking campaign supported by the local Catholic Church: the first initiatives include that of putting warning labels on packaging.
A. Statement of Problem
The tobacco industry s argument on this issue is that smoking should be a personal choice and allowed for people over the age of 18, if not younger. Never have they stated that they endorse underage smoking, but they have utilized advertisement campaigns that obviously appealed to minors. The tobacco industry seems to value some things that are similar to the values of the founding fathers of the United States. Just like them, the tobacco industry is attempting to give freedom to some of the citizens.
The people who are opposed to teenage smoking hold some other values important. When they argue that smoking is harmful and will eventually lead to cancer and death, they are showing that they value personal health. This is usually associated with someone older than a teenager who has come to realize that they are that much closer to death and would not like to do anything to shorten the time before. Those opposed to teenage smoking also value being informed. Many of their tactics to attempt to stop teenagers from smoking include informing them on the issue. The case is not, however, that teenage smokers are not informed on the issue. For example, the job of the anti-smoking commercial campaign was to inform teenagers on smoking so they would quit, but after its launch, statistics have shown that the amount of people under the age of twenty has gone up (Shelley 4).
With the United States Government on the side of the anti-smoking campaign, many methods of persuasion are made available. One such method is the endorsement of the Surgeon General on the anti-smoking campaign. On every pack of cigarettes made in the United States, there must be printed a warning from the Surgeon General stating in some way that smoking is dangerous and unhealthy. This is an example that the United States government holds personal health as a value. This has to be one of the more effective ways to keep people from smoking due to the respect given to the Surgeon General from the public. This makes the quality of the evidence given appear even more precise than it would have without the Surgeon General s endorsement, even though it is true both ways. This tactic also makes a few different conjectures, such as, Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health, and It is Unhealthy to Smoke While Pregnant. The United States government generally consists of people over the age of thirty, disassociating them from the topic of teenage smoking and therefore giving them different values and reasons to want to end it. Adults make claims such as, "Most adolescent smokers are addicted to nicotine and report that they want to quit, but are unable to do so; they experience withdrawal symptoms and relapse rates similar to those reported by adults (Elders).
Statements such as this show that anti teenage smoking campaign values safety. The campaign focuses on the fact that your body is not safe if you are smoking and neither are you. Valuing these two things shows what the interests of older generation are, and that is life. Life is something that you are given, and will have until you lose it. Enjoyment of life, on the other hand, is something that you must obtain, and smoking is one way that teenagers do so. Another way in which the Tobacco Companies make smoking seem appealing to teenagers is by having things such as Camel Cash. This is an item that accompanies all packs of cigarettes of the brand Camel. You save up these pieces of paper and eventual redeem them for gifts. It gives people another incentive to purchase cigarettes. Thadd Brengle, nineteen years old and a smoker of three years said, Yeah I save the camel cash up, there is some cool stuff to be won. This shows teenage smokers value such things as instant gratification, money, and material goods. This is something that has been published before and talks mainly about the fact that teenagers will do just about anything that offers gratification at that moment. They do so with no outlook on what the future repercussions will be and with an open mind. By appealing to this, the company is making it seem as if, if you smoke, you will win. This method of advertising is something that has been considered long and hard by many groups of people, both opposing teenage smoking and those for it. The reason that this is such a debate is due to the fact that the tobacco industry is not allowed to make smoking look appealing to teenagers, yet this type of promotion is something that most people would consider appealing to kids. I have considered both sides of the argument of teenage smoking. I have researched the effects. I have even listened to what people hold as values and what people consider when making their judgments. Throughout, however, I have smoked. And, yes, I am a teenager. Adults just seem to be too imposing on this issue for my liking. One doesn’t see teenagers debating over whether or not adults should do something controversial. This is because teenagers know how to do one thing correctly, that being minding their own business when it comes to judging another age group. Teenagers value things that have to do with enjoyment of life, while adults value things having to do with the extension of life. It seems to me that teenagers have the right idea because you re going to live no matter what, wouldn’t t you like to say that you at least liked it.
B. Hypothesis
The basic assumptions considered in this investigation are as follows:
1. Male and Female student nurses possess different attitude toward smoking.
2. Everyone is entitled to choose his or her own recreational activities.
3. Each school has certain ways to prevent unnecessary misdoing inside the school campus
C. Definition of Terms
Academic Performance
– conceptually academic performance refers to the over all evaluation of the academic performance reflected in student 's grades. Operationally,these terms refer to the over all grades of students in all his subjects.
– refers to the length of time of level 3 students which measured by years from birth that considerably existed.
– refers to mental disposition, feelings or emotion toward a state or fact. In this study, this term means the student 's feeling and disposition toward smoking.
Clinical Performance
– the term refers to the evaluation of the performance in the clinical setting, hospital or community.
- conceptually this term refers to the sum of structural and functional differences of every individual. Operationally this term refers to male and female engage in smoking
- is a practice where a substance, most commonlytobacco, is burnedand thesmoketasted or inhaled. This is primarily done as a form of recreational drug use, ascombustionreleases theactive substancesin drugs such asnicotineand makes them available for absorption through the lungs. In this study, this term refer to theinhalation of burned tobacco stick of the students.
D. Methodology
This chapter discusses the method of research use, the subject and respondent of the study, the sampling procedures, the research instrument, the data gathering procedure and the data processing technique use. Since the main purpose of this study was to determine the effect of smoking in the health condition and the academic and clinical performances of the students.
1. Type of Research
Teenage smoking is a general topics for research papers.
Despite the law prohibiting cigarette advertisements, the number of young smokers has gone up, prompting the Department of Health to warn that tobacco-related deaths will continue to rise in the future.
The 2007 Global Tobacco Youth Survey (GYTS) conducted by the World Health Organization showed that one in every three Filipino teenagers aged 13 to 15 are already smokers, despite the existence of Republic Act 9211 or the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003.
2. Respondent
The researcher interviewed some of his/her schoolmates to gather the pertinent data necessary to answer the objectives of the investigation. Other information which was needed to establish the profile of the respondents was also gathered from research through internet, newspapers and books.
3. Questionnaire
Direction: Please indicate your response by checking the appropriate box or by filling the blank.
1. Name (optional)___________________
2. Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female
3. Age: _____________
4. Estimated allowance for a week ______________
5. Active Smoker: ( ) Passive Smoker: ( )
Direction: Please check the parenthesis which corresponds to your answer.
1. I usually smoke when I’m bored ( ) Yes ( )No
2. I usually smoke when I see my classmates do the same ( ) Yes ( )No
3. I consume more than 5 sticks of cigarette per day ( ) Yes ( )No
4. I smoke when I encountered problems ( ) Yes ( )No
5. Smoking affect my study habits, my performance in the academic and clinical area. ( ) Yes ( ) No
I believe smoking makes me release my tension. ( ) Yes ( ) No
6. I believe smoking is risk full in my health in the future. ( ) Yes ( ) No
7. I believe smoking is already a part of my lifestyle. ( ) Yes ( ) No
8. Baclaran High School should implement rules and regulations to eliminate smoking. ( ) Yes ( ) No
E. Review of Related List
It is basically related to the research study of the attitude of teen towards smoking. This contains the related reading, ideas, concept and research studies of different authors and sources in relation to the effect of smoking to one 's attitude.
F. Scope and Sequence
This study covers all the teen smokers. The sample size was predetermined because of the inadequate list of student involves in smoking. To enable to identify male and female respondents in their affection in smoking and school objectives to handle the necessary precautions toward smoking.
Have you ever tried smoking? Maybe a classmate or a barkada who smoke gave you a cigarette. Perhaps you were curious and wanted to " experiment." Or maybe you thought it would be "cool" because you see a lot of teenagers nowadays puffing at the cafeteria or at the university parking lot. Yet your first puff was probably not pleasant. You coughed and your throat burned. You might have felt sick to your stomach or dizzy as smoked entered your lungs. These reactions make sense when you consider what cigarette smoke does to your body!
G. Significance of the Study
This study will be great significance to the following:
For Academic Performance Administrators - for them to give a future program that will draw out a plan for the school. They could provide objectives and support the program which could serve as baseline for decision – making.
For the class advisers - who could give student nurses care and guidance and which could possibly help students in managing their life. They could provide objectives and identify all their perspective needs from the different policy of the school
For the researcher - to encourage changes in the health habit of their fellow students and be knowledgeable on the effects of smoking, health discipline and an anchor individuals to maintain and strengthen the health condition of the students in terms of promotive, preventive and curative aspects of the course.
A. Background of the Study
Smoking is a habit but curable. Considered as curable but few people try to control themselves from doing it. People, students and even professionals are often tempted to smoke. For some, smoking relieves tension; superiority among others, curiosity, satisfaction, and a form of self deception but the adverse consequences of smoking is one’s own health.
Smoking exist everywhere even in school campuses that conclude to be huge problem. According to Toni Christopher son, a problem that everyone tries to eradicate but fails to act on it because they themselves cannot practice what they preach. It is obvious that smoking is one of the major problems of every high school and college student. Many students are fond of smoking, it driven one self to heavenly feeling. But it is not an excuse to be free from any complication someday.
Many people tried self discipline to control the temptation of smoking. Others would try re- lifestyle and refocus their attention just to stop themselves from doing it. But worse, others don’t know what to do and they simply give in. Others on the other hand, would smoke not because they don’t know what to do but simply because they won’t get belong to the “in group’
As mentioned earlier, smoking is curable; one always has the power to control one’s self. Because of smoking, few qualified people get to be successful. It 's because of smoking is one of the reason that word 's mortality rate. Smoking could never be eradicated unless we try to start the battle against it and heart attack in those with heart disease.
B. Presentation and Analysis of Data
In a longitudinal analysis, students exposed to policies demonstrated significant favorable changes in smoking behavior and in attitudes toward the regulation of tobacco use. In addition, students ' perceptions of peer tobacco use changed. The researchers concluded that smoke free campuses may be an effective intervention for reducing tobacco use among high school and college students.
A. Concluding Statement
1. Analytical Summary
The main purpose of this is to know the attitude of the teens students towards smoking. Specifically, this study answers the following questions:
1. What are the attitudes of Baclaran High School student 's toward smoking?
a. favorable b. unfavorable
2. What are the attitudes of male and female student toward smoking?
3. What are the attitudes of high school and college students toward smoking?
4. What is the influence of smoking on the academic and clinical performance of the student?
5. What will school do for student to stop smoking?
a. Prohibit smoking inside the campus, or within the parameter of 200maway from school.
b. Fine of 100 pesos when caught of smoking.
c. Make an incident report when caught of smoking while on school or clinical area
2. Thesis Recorded
B. Recommendation
Each day 3,000 children smoke their first cigarette.
Tobacco use primarily begins in early adolescence, typically by age 16. At least 3 million adolescents are smokers. 20 percent of American teens smoke. Almost all first use occurs before high school graduation.
Roughly 6 million teens in the US today smoke despite the knowledge that it is addictive and leads to disease.
Of the 3,000 teens who started smoking today, nearly 1,000 will eventually die as a result from smoking.
Of every 100,000 15 year old smokers, tobacco will prematurely kill at least 20,000 before the age of 70.
Adolescent girls who smoke and take oral birth control pills greatly increase their chances of having blood clots and strokes.
According to the Surgeon’s General, Teenagers who smoke were:
* Three times more likely to use alcohol.
* Eight times are likely to smoke marijuana.
* And 22 times more likely to use Cocaine.
Although only 5 percent of high school smokers said that they would definitely be smoking five years later, close to 75 percent were still smoking 7 to 9 years later.
Kids who smoke experience changes in the lungs and reduced lung growth, and they risk not achieving normal lung function as an adult.
A person who starts smoking at age 13 will have a more difficult time quitting, has more health-related problems and probably will die earlier than a person who begins to smoke at age 21.
Kids who smoke have significant health problems, including cough and phlegm production, decreased physical fitness and unfavorable lipid profile.
If your child’s best friends smoke, then your youngster is 13 times more likely to smoke than if his or her friends did not smoke.
Adolescents who have two parents who smoke are more than twice as likely as youth without smoking parents to become smokers.
More than 90 percent of adult smokers started when they were teens.
A 2001 Survey found that 69.4 percent of teenage smokers reported never being asked for proof of age when buying cigarettes in a store. The same survey found that 62.4 percent were allowed to buy cigarettes even when the retailer was aware they were under eighteen.
F. Scope and Sequence
Smoking is Unattractive
YOSI Kadiri! Remember that anti-smoking slogan? Smoking affects what you look like and how people relate to you. Smoking is simply unattractive, contrary to what most people think that smoking is glamorous or sexy. Smoking causes bad breath, bad skin and stained teeth. Smoking often makes other people not want to be around you. Even if you don\rquote t smoke, you may notice a strong odor of cigarettes in your clothes after being near someone who smokes.
Most conservative guys probably would not want to date a girl who smokes. Neither would a conservative girl want to date a guy who smokes. It 's simply a big turn off.
Smoking is Unhealthy
Government General Warning: Smoking is Dangerous to your health. Studies have proven that smoking is harmful to health. Coaches require that athletes not smoke. Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen the bloodstream can deliver to the body. The result is that the athlete who smokes may not be able to swim or run as well as nonsmoking athletes.
The lungs of anyone who smokes do not deliver oxygen as efficiently as do the lungs of most nonsmokers. This is not only harmful to health, but can also result in poor athletic performance.
Nicotine is a harmful substance in tobacco smoke that can cause you to become dizzy and feel sick to your stomach. Not only that, but nicotine causes the heart to beat faster and work less effectively.
Many smokers develop an annoying cough. This is caused by the chemicals in cigarette smoke. These irritating substances damage the tiny hairs (called cilia) that line the lungs and help sweep dirt and waste products out.
Depending on how much you smoke, your lungs become gray and "dirty", instead of pink and healthy. The effects of smoking later on are far worse. The earlier a person starts smoking, the greater the risk of these diseases.
Smokers get cancer. Smokers are more than 10 times as likely to die of lung cancer than nonsmokers.
Smoking doubles the chances of heart disease.
Smoking is the main cause of chronic bronchitis, a serious lung infection, and emphysema, a crippling lung disease.
Smoking by pregnant women increases the risks of premature birth, underweight babies, and infant deaths.
Passive smoking harms nonsmokers. When nonsmokers are around people who smoke, they absorb nicotine, carbon monoxide, and other ingredients of tobacco smoke just as smokers do. People who are subject to passive smoking such as children of parents who smoke, can suffer from a variety of ailments. They are more likely than other people to develop lung infections, heart disease, and cancer.
Smoking is Addictive
According to the American Pediatrics Society, it takes only a short time to become addicted to nicotine. If you a re a smoker, you will know you are addicted when you find yourself craving cigarettes and feeling nervous without them. You will really know you are addicted when you try to quit smoking and can 't.
Quitting can be hard for addicted smokers, and it can take a long time. Often people must try several times before they succeed. The longer you smoke, the harder it is to stop.
Smoking is Expensive
The cost of supporting a pack-a-day smoking habit adds up. It is a vice that eats up a big chunk of a teenager 's daily allowance. Because teenagers still depend on their parent 's hard earned money to provide them a good education as well as other needs, they would hide their smoking habit by doing it somewhere else. It also costs you a lot in other ways, missing school or work, becoming sick, and having increased medical expenses. That 's a high price to pay for something that isn ' t good for you in the first place.
Who Smokes?
Young people are more likely to smoke if they are living in households where a parent or an older brother or sister smokes. According to a teen drug abuse survey, nearly 90% of smokers start smoking as teenagers. It is important that young people learn what happens to smokers so as to make a healthy choice.
You can Quit
Quitting of course is possible. It is a must if you want the best for yourself and those around you. If you ignore warning signals and continue to smoke, your body will change. It will get used to the smoke. You won 't cough or feel sick every time you puff on a cigarette. Yet the damage to your body continues and worsens each time you smoke.
In order to quit, you must be strong. Get help from family and friends. Redirect the habit to sports or exercise. Try and try if you don 't succeed the first time. Deciding to stop smoking must be abrupt and not gradual as some people suggest.
Be Cool. Don 't Smoke.
Slick advertisements are designed to encourage people to smoke. They depict attractive women and rugged men. These ads never mention harmful effects such as bad breath, stained teeth, heart disease, and cancer. Nor do they tell you how offensive smoking is to others. As one woman puts it, Kissing a man who smokes is like kissing a dirty ashtray.
So if you haven 't tried smoking, don 't. If you 've already started, stop.
Works Cited
Elders, Perry Eriksen, & Giovino (1994). The Report of the Surgeon General: Preventing
Tobacco Use among Young People.
Shelley, Matt. Our teenagers are smoking. Gilbert Tribune, December 18th 1999, p. 4
Cited: Elders, Perry Eriksen, & Giovino (1994). The Report of the Surgeon General: Preventing Tobacco Use among Young People. Shelley, Matt. Our teenagers are smoking. Gilbert Tribune, December 18th 1999, p. 4
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