claims. People are very concerned with teens decisions to drink and are frightened at these stats, however; teens still drink. Teens somehow decide that drinking is better than drug use. Ungerage drinking and illegal drug use tie into both being abused substances. However, teen drinking has topped the number of deaths per year, adding up to be over 4,700 (University Wire). Probably the incident we are most familiar with are teens drinking and driving. The dangers of teen drinking are apparent. A lot of kids risk the decision of getting behind the wheel and many others drink to the point of having to go to the hospital because of alcohol poisoning (Ogilvie). Kids are going to drive and drink whether it’s dangerous or not. But, Ethan Couch, who used to be a normal high schooler. Is now a murderer because of teen drinking and driving. He got into a wreck with 4 others in the car and they were all killed. This horrific tragedy is due to people being very thoughtless and carefree (University Wire). There are many short term effects and According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and Dr. John Allen, a renowned child and adolescent psychiatrist say that underage consumption of alcohol affects the child's functioning and planning. your brain does not properly develop until your mid-20s. This makes kids behavior more erratic and less patient (Turner). Also, According to Dr. John Allen a renowned child and adolescent psychiatrist, part of the brain can be caused permanent damage to the part of your brain that affects memory and learning. They also conducted a study that showed that kids who haven't drink as teens had a 10% bigger hippocampi which is the part of the brain that affects the memory and learning (Turner). These health effects are very bad for a functioning teen. The problem is teens are not very familiar with the feeling of being intoxicated so when they do drink they feel like they are not intoxicated. Teens often start drinking because of emotional pain or stress. When they drink they get this good feeling that make them want to repeat the use of alcohol. This will eventually make binge drinking much easier (Turner). The worse part of drinking alcohol as a teen is the long term health effects on teens.
According to Dr. John Allen a renowned child and adolescent psychiatrist, part of the brain can be caused permanent damage to the part of your brain that affects memory and learning. They also conducted a study that showed that kids who haven't drink as teens had a 10% bigger hippocampi which is the part of the brain that affects the memory and learning (Turner). The ultimate price people don't’ want to live with is death. According to Dr. David Hanson who is a sociologist who has studied alcohol and drinking for more than 40 years, claims that teens and excessive consumption of alcohol can result in death. Alcohol pushes people into risky situations like frat houses and wild parties. rapid consumption can cause horrific results of alcohol poisoning.
(Ogivie). We wonder on how we can combat the epidemic of underage drinking but the fact is that the police cannot be everywhere at the same time. That is why they make the principle of civil liability lawsuit. According to the court, the host of the party where teens drink are subjected to civil liability. This points the blame to the host if a teen gets into an accident after that have been drinking at a party. The reasoning behind this is that law enforcement can't protect everyone and every location where teens are (Baltimore Sun A.14). When police do get into the right spots to stop underage drinking they need the legal drinking age to be kept at 21 years old. The reasoning is It is a lot easier for police to crack down on underage drinking because it is a lot harder for 18 year olds to look like they are 21. so if the age was dropped to 18 then it would be easier for 16 year olds to look 18. And switching the age to promote earlier drinking shows that kids tend to get into more fights, be more addicted to alcohol, and be more likely to be in an alcohol related crash (Oglivie). In conclusion, underage drinking has been bad in the past with a very evident history. Underage drinking also bears bad short term and long term health effects and it can harm your family and the community around you very effectively. This epidemic has become a very bad burdon on teens these days but, it looks like we are headed in the right step.