Teenage pregnancy programmes, are improving outcomes for vulnerable young people (Austerberry and Wiggins, 2007). The Teenage Pregnancy Independent Advice Group (TPIAG) recommended that teenage pregnancy programmes are reduced either by ten to twenty %, with an increasing number of councils reducing the jobs of Teenage Pregnancy Co-ordinators (Children and Young People Now, 11th January 2011). Charitable organisations also face extra opposition to gain grant and funds for high-quality provisions as local council cuts funding (NCVYS,2010), Levy-Vroelent’s (2010) has fears that vulnerable groups in more deprivation will be competing against each another. The impending welfare reforms are now reflected in relation to young people who are considered vulnerable. Young vulnerable people will be affected by Coalition welfare reform in four ways, these being a reduction in services, benefit changes and housing.
The teenage pregnancy strategy was welcomed by health professions, media and supporters, the strategy underpinned the findings of research to look at the strategies objectives and effects. The strategy looking in particular at the two objectives of how to prevent teenage pregnancy and providing support to teenage parents, this has been critiqued by drawing attention and targeting teenage mothers with little provision (Arai,2009, Duncan et al 2010). Who actually says teenage pregnancy is a problem? Looking at the challenges of the strategy it shows that statements that teenage young mothers in itself are the causes a disadvantage and produces poorer outcomes and causes an impact on our society which brings an attachment and negativity of becoming a young mother with no referral to any positive experience only in a pessimistic way given by policy, (Duncan et al, 20010; Arai, 2009; Seamark and Lings, 2004; Lawlor and Shaw 2002)
The negative point about the national teenage pregnancy strategy is that not all local have the same outcomes compared to other authorities. The areas that have implemented the Teenage pregnancy Strategy have noticed a positive move forward towards their education of teenage pregnancy but this can also be seen as a measurement of teaching sex education in the curriculum both positive outcomes can be measured
There are various teenage pregnancy strategies which in some communities overlap each other, first is the Teenage pregnancy strategy overseen by the government, the National Health Service (NHS) teenage pregnancy support giving support through the pregnancy and after the birth, care to learn is helping and directing the correct advice when it comes to financial issues as it can give free child care when you return back to school.
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