1. What would you do if you discovered your teenager was using drugs or alcohol?…
Abdallah. Ayda Critical Reflection Essay Introduction Within the context of nursing there has been a significant change in nursing in the last two decades, where nursing and medical knowledge has led to changes where patients can no longer stay in hospital and reduction in hospital beds. Professionals who are employed in the healthcare industry are dealing with acutely ill patients who are in more need of care (usher et al 2009). As professionals we must discover the nature that is offered to us by responding and using reflective thoughts to enhance the important aspects in society (Lauder et al 2004). And qualified nurses, acknowledge and understanding is essential for their practice to remain current, continuous improvement in reflecting on our thoughts, and what we do becomes Habitual to our practice (usher et al 2008). It is a necessity for nurses to use critical thinking as it helps gather relevant information to assist practitioners in examining assumptions and identify relationships and patterns (Parker & Clare 2000). We begin this chapter by exploring the concept of critical reflection and why it is important for a nurse, as well as provide an over view of the related legislation that requires the use of reflective thinking in practice by registered nurses, the next section addresses the Gibbs Cycle of what, why and overview of definitions of reflection.…
Many Americans today are displeased with and have expressed their discontent with the lawmaking actions—or the lack thereof, rather—of members of Congress. However, solutions to resolve, or at least improve, public approval of their congressional representatives are unclear and plagued by some of the following questions: are term limits the answer, will they do more harm than good, and is it just a trade-off for different, yet equally adverse issues?…
Teenagers are more than capable of achieving great tasks in the future as well as causing great destruction with every skill stapled in their mind as they grow. Good and evil will determine the effects of which path a young mind its taught so that’s why parents must educated well with good intensions for a better future. The age of a teenager shows history how it transformed the world including the United States by family values, the high school, and dangerous adolescences etc. What teenagers did was start a fashion changing the world and its rules, becoming rebellious toward their parents values for example pregnancy acured after a marriage but that is not the case anymore for young Americans today. Today sexuality is expressed more than ever with young American by their clothes, attitudes, and way of thinking. Media can be the cause of all this you might say but, before the 1950s even before the 1900s being a rebel toward every rule of tradition was broken making the term teenagers rise. There is nothing fictional about how adolescences made their mark on history proving American society accepting the way of young adults.…
Substance abuse is a problem that is an epidemic all over the world. America is not the only country suffering from heroin addiction. The misuse and abuse of drugs occurs at all age levels, in almost all social settings and at workplace occurrence in all occupation and industries. It has significant negative impacts that affect every community though out the world. Drugs affect all of us in one way shape or form. The government is making every attempt to extinguish the narcotic culture but it appears to be a losing battle from the beginning. Heroine has become a world epidemic that we see on the news and read about in the morning paper. The usage of heroin has increased over the last three decades and shows little sign of decreasing. This addiction is creating issues for every city and town throughout North America as well as larger populated areas in Europe. The normal method of use of heroin is through an injection, which creates more issues beyond addition such as AIDS and other incurable deceases.…
The youth aged 13 to 24 in this country are apart of a generation that has no vivid memories of the challenging times of when becoming infected with HIV led to the inevitable outcome of death. But instead live in a world were the cases of HIV increase each year due to effective medical treatment. However, in 2010 those aged 13 to 24 had an estimated 12,200 incidences accounting for 26 percent of all incidences in the United States.1 Disparities are felt mostly among sexual and race/minority groups. The disparities felt among these groups are then intensified when placed upon the youth. It is known that the burden of HIV has been over proportionally placed upon the same groups that feel disparities within the United States, gay, bisexual, and…
Leon Botstein explains in his essay "Let Teenagers Try Adulthood", about how high school is run by the jocks, and how the community only supports the high school when the "varsity team" succeeds. Botstien talks about how the "...rules of high school turn out not to be the rules of life." He also talks about the whole "puberty" issue and how it effects today's teens, in school and in life. He explains how elementary school should start earlier, and you should graduate at the age of 16 instead of the age 18, because your body had matured faster then a century ago. Botstein also mocks the education system, stating that certain classes are to be taught only by the people who know the most about the class. Many students choose to go to a junior college or even stay home, because of the lack of pressure to attend a university. Finally Botstein states that 16 year olds should be focused on developing their "adult life" and that this country needs to realize the fact that the American education system has failed because of the out-to-date techniques that are being used.…
Locked up: should teens be tried as adults? (2008, 04 12) Weekly Reader publication p 1…
Adolescence is a critical juncture in achievement due to new social and academic pressures that force adolescence to take on new and different roles. These new roles involve more responsibility than they have previously taken on in the past. Their achievement becomes so much more serious and they begin to see life in a different more "real" way now.…
society today. All this talk about being in or out made me think of the social changes…
The “big idea” I chose to write about is “Teen Pregnancy”. My thesis statement is “Teen Pregnancy is a growing problem here in the United States. School and parents need to educate their teen on the consequences before it’s too late”. My thesis statement will be effective because it grabs your attention, and explains what I will be talking about. The challenges I might face in supporting this thesis is getting the correct information, and finding the right amount of information I need to support it.…
Only 66 percent of high school graduate students feel they are ready for the adult world. This means that 34 percent of high school graduates feel they are not prepared to be independent. First, we will look at why teens should not graduate at the age of 16. Then, why teenagers should all shadow a few different professions so that they can see what we teenagers truly want as their career before we graduate. Also, how the rules of high school are the rules of real life and when they are not we will look at how they are very similar. Last but not least, we will look at how middle school, as an institution is not outdated and should not be abolished. I agree with Botstein on some things but on others I completely disagree with him.…
A child’s body begins a period of rapid change in size and shape approximately around the age of 10 years in girls and 12 years in boys. This is called the “adolescent growth spurt.” During the next four years, an average girl may grow 10 inches taller and gain 40 to 50 pounds. An average boy may grow 12 inches taller and gain 50 to 60 pounds. At the same time, their body shape begins to change, too.…
Adolescents are a transitional stage of physical and physiological development that occurs between puberty and legal adulthood.1 It is a period of multiple transitions involving education, training, employment and unemployment, as well as transition from one living circumstance to another.2 The behavioral patterns during these periods determine their health status and their risks for developing chronic diseases in adulthood.3…
With teenagers things get a little harder. They are torn between being a child and a young adult. You want to be sure they are not doing things they shouldn’t, but you don’t want to pry into their lives too much. They are trying to be independent from you, and do and make their own decisions. Parents of teenagers in our society must learn to listen to what their offspring are saying, especially what they are saying to one another (Stern, Larosa pg.39).…