The teenagers in high school usually scared of the first day of school because it is that day that will decide your life throughout high school for the upcoming five years. It is whether you will be famous or anonymous, bullied or praised and happy or stressful. This sort of things is familiar to most teenagers. According to that, teenagers love to take their stress away through eating sweets or heavy food, exercises, meditation and forcing ourselves to laugh. You may wonder why laughing is included. Laughing has been the best medicine for stress overtime. Scientifically, when we laugh or scream, alpha waves from our brain is released, hence relieving our minds free of stress. Don’t you think it is somehow familiar? It’s true; ‘’ by Disney also uses this concept.
Some of the huge problems with teenagers nowadays are how they handle their social life, social bonding with opposite sex, their health and achievements. I’ll pick one of these topics. Guess health do matters. So I’ll talk about it. Teenagers and health are strongly related. The most famous health problems among teenagers are obesity and diabetes. Teenagers in this era have cause a great deal of concern towards the Ministry of Health of Malaysia as the number of student who are obese is increasing at a fast rate. If these obese students are active and have a healthy routine, the obesity would not give such a huge impact on them. However, for those who are not active and only serve as a bench warmer is the group which have the most concern. They will surprise with their self when every once in awhile they will have a hard time breathing, legs