Derek Bentley- final hours.
We started the hanging scene by discussing staging ideas to involve the audience most. I recommended the idea of having the audience sitting in ‘’end on” because I think it is the most effective for this certain performance because as Sam said in our group discussion we can have a police man in the audience shouting at Derek as he is being pulled back towards his fate of death. We used a variety of different mediums and levels, we also used a couple of thought-tracks because it expresses the views and feelings that the characters may have been thinking and going through at that time, their thought-tracks would link to their feelings about the topic of teenagers with weapons. Also we used lighting to represent the passing of Derek Bentley’s soul moving towards heaven as he was wrongly accused of this crime. I came up with the idea that during the piece we should have a flash back to the time where Derek was manipulated in to using the gun to kill the police man, I think the message that comes across within this piece can still be linked to today’s views on teenagers with weapons. I think this because if you turn on the news in America there is a very high chance there will be a crime on their involving a gun or a teenager with a gun is involved in a gang related crime. Also in the United Kingdom there is a high chance of a crime being committed with a teenager with a knife and not a gun like America. I think this is because in America their gun rules are much more relaxed unlike in England and others, so this will and has led to a high rate of gun crimes within the teenager category and I think a lot of authorities have a bad thought on teenagers because of it. This links back to Derek Bentley because in that time period there were a lot of teenagers with nowhere to go so they were forced to hang out on the streets which led to more and more people getting worried and feeling threatened because of the increase of