Teaching Language Skills ( Listening & Speaking )
A Paper
Group III
Retna Fauziah Adhitya Rini
Ana Yuliana Somantri
Arina Silfiati Rohimah
Ani Masri
Yayah Rukoyah
English teaching involves four language skills, they are listening, reading writing, and speaking. Specifically, the four language skills have grouped into two division, namely; the first is productive skills such as writing and speaking. Second is receptive skills such as reading and listening. Then,the aspects that support the four language skills above such as : grammar, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation are also taught in English teaching and learning process.
Students can improve their listening skills and gain valuable language input through a combination of listening material and procedures. Listening is important since it provides the perfect opportunity to hear voices in order to enable students to acquire good speaking habit as a result of the spoken English they absorb and helps to improve their pronunciation.
Speaking is the process of orally expressing thought and feelings of reflecting and shaping experience, and sharing information. Speaking is a complex process, which involves thinking language and social skills. The speaker combines words to sentences and paragraphs and use a language style that is appropriate to a social context.
In speaking, the student should learn some steps in order to make the speaking itself properly and understandable, those steps are: Speak clearly and expressively about their ideas and concerns and adapt words and strategies according to varying situation and audience from one to any conversations to formal large group setting. Interpret and asses
References: Agil, kholil. (2012). Teaching speaking through visual media. (Accessed on May 23rd 2013 downloaded from: http://art-corners.blogspot.com/2012/06/teaching-speaking-through-visual-media.html) Ellis,Rod.(2003) Field,Jhon.(2008).Listening in the language classroom.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Harmer, Jeremy.(2001).How to teach English.Malaysia:Pearson Education Limited Harmer, Jeremy.(2007). The practice of English language teaching (4th ed).Harlow England:Pearson Education. Krashen, S. (2003) Explorations in language acquisition and Use: The Taipei Lectures. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann Surachmat,A.M.(2010).Language Assessment 2 Wilson,JJ.(2008).How to teach listening.Malaysia:Pearson Education Limited |NO |Nama |NIM |Kelas |Nilai Chapter report |Nilai Presentasi |