Department of Foreign Language
Jonesboro, GA
Instructor’s Name: Florencia I. Anderson Class Name: Spanish II Room No. 115
E-mail: Textbook: Glencoe – En Español Replacement cost: $ 55
Period: _________________ Time: _____________ *
Facebook: lamaestraespañol
Course Description:
Spanish is a college preparatory course designed to teach students to communicate in Spanish. Emphasis will be placed on all four components of language acquisition: reading, writing, listening and speaking, as well as the culture of
Spanish-Speaking countries through daily activities in the classroom, projects and presentations. The essential goal of this course is to continue to develop your communicative competence in the target language and to understand the target culture.
Required Materials: Suggested Materials:
. Notebook . Spanish/English, English/Spanish Dictionary
. Pencils/ Pen . Color Markers
. Three ring binder . Construction Paper
. Index cards . Scissors, glue, and ruler
Classroom Expectations:
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner.
Every student is expected to be prepared to come to class every day, by preparing homework as this is essential to reach our goals and objectives.
Your class participation and consistent effort to use the target language will be evaluated daily. Students should successfully pass exams which will prepare them for course work at a college level.
Make-Up Work Policy:
There will be no make-ups for exams or quizzes. However, if a student misses a class due to a medical emergency, or an extra curriculum activity sponsor by Mundy’s Mill, then the student should show the excuse to the teacher. The students have three (03) days to make-up work, and are responsible for speaking with the teacher about collecting missed material.*
Late Work