1.0 Introduction.........................................................................................3
2.0 Research Problem.................................................................................3 2.1 Research Aim..............................................................................4 2.2 Research Objectives.....................................................................4
3.0 Methodology (Research Approach) .........................................................5 3.1 Primary Data Collection................................................................6 3.1.1 Quantitative....................................................................7 3.1.2 Qualitative......................................................................7 3.2 Secondary Data collection.............................................................8
4.0 Population and Sample..........................................................................8
5.0 Cost....................................................................................................9
6.0 Timing...............................................................................................10
7.0 Study Team and Relevant Experience....................................................10
8.0 Conclusions........................................................................................10
1.0 Introduction
The following report attempts to simulate a research proposal prepared for the client - Aberdeen Business School (ABS), a part of Robert Gordon University. It is written in the style of a research company putting forward proposals to ABS as
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