This event took place on August 13, 1521 and was a three-month long battle. Even before the Spaniards arrived on November 8, 1519 the Aztecs were struck by unusual, natural disasters that caused them to believe the disasters were warnings of the fall of their empire. These disasters occurred between 1517 and 1519, the city of Tenochtitlan had an earthquake and Lake Texcoco flooded Tenochtitlan. However, when Spaniards conquered Tenochtitlan there was resistance from the other natives under the Triple Alliance; the Mexica/Aztec, Acolhua, Tlacopan,, and Tepaneca, that continued for 60 more years until the Spaniards sieged the Aztec Empire and built what is known as Mexico city today on top of Tenochtitlan’s ruins.
Similarly, the United States is seeming to fall into a predicament where slowly it is collapsing. Since, 9/11 America has only become much more unstable even turning against its own people. Cops killing innocent black men, but not only men, many black children were killed and are still being killed. America is divided between its people and every time we seem to take a step forward we take three back. Most recently, we have elected a vile man into office who is the most