The Trident Model for CustomerMIS
Centric Enterprise Systems at xecutive Q
Thompson S.H. Teo
Shirish C. Srivastava
National University of Singapore
Choo Kian Ho
Comfort Transportation, Singapore1
Executive Summary
Enterprise systems (ES), such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), have now been around for about 10 years, providing the IT infrastructure foundation for a growing number of firms. These systems are beginning to evolve to become more customer-centric. This article introduces a model for viewing customer-centric enterprise systems (CCES). The model, called the Trident Model, integrates three perspectives.
The first perspective is the new marketing mix perspective called SIVA (solutions, information, value, and access). SIVA states that customers are interested in solutions to their problems rather than products. They want information about identified solutions rather than promotions. They view solutions in terms of their value rather than their price. And they want convenient access to the identified solutions. They are not so bothered about the place.
The second perspective is the organizational learning perspective, which states that enterprises need good organizational learning processes to keep up with their customers’ changing needs and demands.
The third perspective is the customer groups perspective, which states that customers should be grouped by commonalities, with services customized for each group.
This article uses the Trident model to discuss the CCES at Comfort Transportation,
Singapore, a technologically advanced company that provides taxi services in Asia.
Comfort’s CCES draws on a global positioning system (GPS), customer resource management (CRM), interactive voice response (IVR), and other advanced information technologies. A BRIEF HISTORY OF CUSTOMERCENTRIC ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS
In their continual quest for competitive advantage, businesses are realizing the