Available online @http://www.interesjournals.org/JRIBM
Copyright ©2012 International Research Journals
Full Length Research Paper
A study on the influence of using celebrity endorsements on consumer buying behaviour in Tamil
Nadu, India
Annadurai Pughazhendi and Deenadhayal Sudharani Ravindran
1PSG Institute of Management (PSG College of Technology) Coimbatore, India
2PSG Institute of Management (PSG College of Technology) Coimbatore, India
Accepted 16 April, 2012
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factor that influence of using celebrity endorsements on consumer buying behaviour and product choice, and to provide guidance for marketers and advertising agencies with respect to the effectiveness of celebrity-product endorsement on influencing consumers buying decision process. This study was based on empirical approach. A convenience sample of 200 students from various colleges in Coimbatore region. The objective of the study is (1) to study the factor that impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer buying behaviour. (2) to study the influence of consumer’s gender, age and family income on their buying behaviour on celebrity endorsed advertisement. (3) to understand the effectiveness of celebrity endorsement vs. non celebrity endorsement. (4) Effects of multiple celebrity endorsements and consumer celebrity attachment on attitude and purchase intention. Exploratory and Descriptive analysis and One Sample t-Test used to analyze the data. The result of the study is found that the respondents were influenced by celebrityproduct endorsement in terms of buying decision process or product choice. Differences in celebrity’s gender were found to be varied with respect to the endorsed products and the target audience characteristics. The present research urged further studies to be carried on to examine the reasons behind the