Enclosure Acts: The Revolution of 1688 confirmed the ascendancy of the Parliament in England over the king. Economically, it meant the ascendancy of the more well to do property-owning classes. The British government was substantially in the hands of wealthy landowners, the “squirearchy”. Many landowners, seeking to increase their money incomes, began experimenting new and improved methods of cultivation and stock raising. An improving landlord, to introduce such changes successfully needed full control of his land. However this was not possible because of the old village system of open fields, common lands, and semi collective methods of cultivation. The old common tights of the villagers were part of the English common law. Only an act of Parliament could modify or extinguish them. It was the great landowners who controlled Parliament, which therefore passed hundreds of “enclosure acts”, authorizing the enclosure, by fences, walls, or hedges, of the old common lands and unfenced open fields. Smalls owners were excluded. The wealthy landlords owned most of the land in England. • Greatly raise the productivity of land and of farm labor • Fatter cattle • The English country people became farmers • Working men and women were dependent on daily wages
Factory Act of 1802: A cotton lord, or cotton magnate Robert Peel in 1802 pushed for the first Factory Act through Parliament. This act purported to regulate the conditions in which pauper children were employed in the textile mills, but it was a dead letter from the beginning, since it proved no adequate body of factory inspectors. The English at this time unlike the other countries in Europe had no class of trained, paid, and professional government administrators, preferring self-government and local initiative. The Factory Act was supposed to reduce the amount of working hours for women and children.
Thomas Malthus: The Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus was a