Understanding the mindset of a terrorist would be the key to understanding why and how an individual becomes a terrorist. Unfortunately, researchers and psychologist are unable to define this key. The human brain is 80% water and weighs in at approximately 3 pounds. In retrospect the brain seems so fragile and small. There are 100 billion neurons the occupant a very small space but each neuron can transmit 150,000 transactions at one time. In these transactions is the ability to control behavior, to see, to hear, to feel, to think, to plan and imagine and the ability to create or destroy. When a human is born the brain is neutral and open to “receive outside influences in collaboration with the environment, society, relationship, family, friends, and interactions with to culture, teaching and religion.” (Niehoff, D. 2001). The brain is continuously reinventing itself through outside influences. The brain natural ability to adapt to changes, allows it to answer fundamental questions on its own and meet the demands of an unpredictable environment. The brain can be “vulnerable to malicious encounters, false information and benign influences.” (Niehoff, 2001). Research as shown that different kinds of insults whether physically, emotionally or psychologically can alter the brain’s chemistry, emotional reactions and responses. These chemical changes can occur in childhood as well as adulthood and throughout life. Individuals who experience violence, observe violence, aggressive behavior, isolation, neglect, being bullied, lack of parental care as well as the breakdown of social order all have an impact on a terrorist psyche. Individual who are disgruntle, and disassociated are at risk in having ruthless ideologies and might seek an outlet to release their anger or antisocial conflict. Knutson in 1984 stated that terrorist violence “stem
Understanding the mindset of a terrorist would be the key to understanding why and how an individual becomes a terrorist. Unfortunately, researchers and psychologist are unable to define this key. The human brain is 80% water and weighs in at approximately 3 pounds. In retrospect the brain seems so fragile and small. There are 100 billion neurons the occupant a very small space but each neuron can transmit 150,000 transactions at one time. In these transactions is the ability to control behavior, to see, to hear, to feel, to think, to plan and imagine and the ability to create or destroy. When a human is born the brain is neutral and open to “receive outside influences in collaboration with the environment, society, relationship, family, friends, and interactions with to culture, teaching and religion.” (Niehoff, D. 2001). The brain is continuously reinventing itself through outside influences. The brain natural ability to adapt to changes, allows it to answer fundamental questions on its own and meet the demands of an unpredictable environment. The brain can be “vulnerable to malicious encounters, false information and benign influences.” (Niehoff, 2001). Research as shown that different kinds of insults whether physically, emotionally or psychologically can alter the brain’s chemistry, emotional reactions and responses. These chemical changes can occur in childhood as well as adulthood and throughout life. Individuals who experience violence, observe violence, aggressive behavior, isolation, neglect, being bullied, lack of parental care as well as the breakdown of social order all have an impact on a terrorist psyche. Individual who are disgruntle, and disassociated are at risk in having ruthless ideologies and might seek an outlet to release their anger or antisocial conflict. Knutson in 1984 stated that terrorist violence “stem