Before acting, terry thinks about all his decisions, showing that he posses the qualities of maturity and intelligence. Mannerisms, such as looking away, putting his hands begins his head, or stuffing his hands in his pockets indicates that Malloy has a lot of things on his mind that the audience does not know about. This indicated to the audience that Terry is always thinking about the situation, suggesting that his decisions made in the film are thoroughly thought out. This shows that terry analyses all the possible outcomes for his actions, hence showing that his decisions are the best possible choices made within the film. This also suggests that Terry is mature, and has intelligence, which are both qualities needed to stand up against the mob. As well as these qualities, Malloy also shows loyalty.
Throughout the film, Terry always stays true to himself. Various obstacles come into terry’s path, but no matter the circumstances Terry always makes sure he is loyal t himself. His loyalty is shown in the scene when Edie and he are talking. Edie says to him which side are you with? And Terry replies with Me? I’m with me – Terry. This conversation between Edie and Terry shows the audience that