The Incredibles, directed by Brad Bird, follows a group of superheroes forced to live normal lives after 15 years of helping others in the community using their superpowers. Although each character had superpowers it was their character traits that were more influential in categorising them as heroes in the eyes of the viewer and supports the idea that we can all be heroes without being super. Characteristics such as bravery, teamwork, unity and a strong sense of right and wrong are all displayed within the main characters and are powerful in influencing the viewer watching the film.
The film The Incredibles shows that everyday acts are as powerful as super power driven acts. From the point of view of the audience, the small acts of heroism are relatable to the non-super humans therefore have a powerful influence and more meaning. The movie plays on the idea that the greatest heroes are normal people who do simple heroic acts of kindness. You don't have to be supernatural to be a hero in fact it takes a lot more effort to go out of your way to help people. An example of this was when he was working in the insurance company and he gave away quotes to the people who needed help. This act of heroism is achievable by anyone and makes a huge difference in their life. Being a hero doesn't mean to …show more content…
help someone with a life changing event or to make their life perfect a hero is someone who helps them cope and lead them along in the right direction. In that case, anyone no matter what age, race or gender can be a hero to someone else.
Anyone can be a hero in their own way if they always follow strong morals of good will and a clear sense of right and wrong. In The Incredibles two characters in particular show the difference in values between a villain and a hero. This movie established that a hero is someone who puts others before themselves and a villain seeks individual power. For example, when Mr Incredible had Mirage in his grip, he couldn’t hurt her because he valued life. From this good deed Mirage eventually helped him escape. This seeming “weakness” from a superhero was repeated at the end of the movie in the final battle when Mr Incredible told his wife Helen that “I am not strong enough to lose my family again”. The film shows that sometimes “weakness” in the superhero realm is actually a show of the universal values of sensitivity and empathy.
In the film The Incredibles the main superhero characters eventually display teamwork and unity, and in fact, without their ability to collaborate together, their super powers would not have been enough to defeat the villain Syndrome. At the beginning of the movie Mr Incredible stated “I work alone” and refused to be mentor or to accept Incrediboy as a team member. It was this flaw in his character traits that made Incrediboy feel rejected and resentful towards the superheroes. Throughout the movie Mr Incredible definitely learned that working with a team is way more effective and harder for others to defeat him. It was the strength of his family unity that really showed him the power of teamwork when they all came to rescue him on Syndrome’s island. Another example was at the end of the movie when they defeated Syndrome’s omnidroid in the city. This battle was completed in a team which was a more effective way than doing it alone for glory. The ability to form alliances with each other and work together, are qualities that any people without super hero powers can have.
The film The Incredibles, shows many examples that you don’t have to be super to be a hero.
From the point of view of non-super humans, it is easier to relate to the small acts of kindness that some of the characters in the film showed. The film showed that teamwork is a better way of accomplishing victory and it is always more effective. Following good morals and values was again shown by many of the characters who succeeded as being a hero. Lastly small heroic acts are more meaningful than large heroic acts using superpowers. These three points all from The Incredibles supports the idea that ‘we can all be heroes’ without using