Brunel International Pathway Centre 12 week Pre-sessional
Used one uk-based company as a case study, analyses to what extent the increasing pressure on business to be more environmentally responsible has affected the company’s marketing strategy.
( I choose Tesco )
Number of words:1920
Brunel University
West London
Literature review--------------------------------------------------2-3
Primary research aims-------------------------------------------4
Primary research sample----------------------------------------4
Primary research methods--------------------------------------4
Primary research result------------------------------------------5
Introduction: TESCO was founded in 1919, and the founder was Jack Cohen. In the beginning. He just sold goods in an east London market. The name “TESCO” first appeared in 1924, and the first shop was opened in London. And in 1947, the company was listed on the London Stock Exchange. In 1948, the first self-service shops for business. The first TESCO supermarket was opened in 1956 in Essex. The first "major" supermarket built in 1968, is located in west Sussex. In 1974, TESCO began selling gasoline, and in 1979 its annual turnover is more than 1 billion pounds. 1975, the first senior department store opened. In 1997 the first large stores (Extra) opened. Tesco’s main purpose is to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty. That made Tesco successful, and now it have become one of the most successful supermarkets in the world. ( ) In