For this report the organisation that I have chosen is Tesco and I will be explaining how they use different types of business communication to run their organisation. I will be looking at all of the functions used by Tesco to get an entire observation on the business communication used and the reasons why. I will identify advantages and disadvantages of different methods used and investigate strategic decisions made by Tesco and what information they used.
Types of information Example Description Purpose Sources
Verbal Tesco’s verbal information could be a Tesco Sales Assistant interacting with a customer by trying to persuade the customer to buy one of their products and another example could be Tesco staff making an announcement over the tannoy system about a lost child. Verbal communication is information that is shared between individuals by talking. It can be done in may different ways such as telephone, face to fact and meetings. The purpose for verbal communication in Tesco is they must respond quickly to any action that is needed to be sorted. The sources for Tesco verbal information could be description of products or service.
Written Tesco’s written information could be surveys and questionnaires for the customer service like What you think about fruit and vegetables? Another example is Tesco displaying posters promoting their latest offers. Written communication can be interactive communication that is used in words or symbols to convey a message like memos, emails, letters, reports, leaflets etc. The purpose of written information is that this will help Tesco to understand how the customer feels about their services and products and also to understand where they are achieving and where they are failing. The sources for Tesco written information are completed customer questionnaires, where Tesco can review and make changes and adjustments to meet their customers’ needs, for example customers requesting a bigger variety of fruit and vegetables.