Topic Chosen and Reasons for Its Selection
There have been a lot of case studies and thesis written on the company that has been chosen for the RESEARCH AND ANAYLSIS PROJECT. This project may not be as good as other research projects but the research work would hopefully differentiate the project from others.
Retailers like Tesco, Asda, and Sainsbury in UK continue to compete with each other in order to become the best and biggest retailer in the country, and to grow in size, structure and increase their market share. The retail business is expanding as a result of companies acquiring other businesses and mergers between different companies. The expansion in the retail sector in UK is due to the tough competition between retailers. Retailers are trying to cut their prices in order to win the customers, maintain their share prices and to attract investors.
Once there was some news on BBC about Tesco Plc, that some of the assets of Tesco would be sealed by the government because of their monopoly in the retail sector so that the smaller retail companies, stores etc have a chance to enter into the retail sector. That was the instant where it became interesting to look inside Tesco Plc, to know what is the mission of the company, what it is trying to achieve, where does it stand in the retail industry and also to know what are the future prospects of the company.
So the main theme of this research and analysis is to discuss, analyze and conclude the financial situation of Tesco Plc. The reason for choosing Tesco as a target company for this research and analysis project is because of its rapid growth in the retail industry, increasing revenue and structure, and profitability of the company. In third world countries the use of IT has not reached its peak yet. In countries like Pakistan the use of IT has just been put into function some years ago in business sectors like retail and banking etc.
In UK the
Bibliography: • Mesure, S. (2007): Asda and Sainsbury growing faster than Tesco. The Independent, April 05. • Tesco Annual Report, 2007.