Analysis of the
Electric Vehicle
Creating the Clean Energy
Analysis of the Electric Vehicle Industry
Primary Authors
Jennifer Todd is an Economic Development Associate at IEDC. Jess Chen is a Research Fellow and a PhD candidate at American University. Frankie Clogston is an IEDC Consultant and a PhD candidate at Johns Hopkins University.
Primary Editors
Liz Thorstensen, Vice President of Knowledge Management & Economic Development Practice, Tye
Libby, Associate, Knowledge Management and Development
IEDC is grateful to the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for its generous support of this research project.
Special thanks Lauren Avioli, Emily Brown, and Patrick McHugh for research support, and Mishka
Parkins, who provided technical assistance for the creative design of the report.
© Copyright 2013 International Economic Development Council
This report was made possible by a grant from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
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