Question 1
Why is English a ‘Global Language’?
English is a ‘Global Language’ because it is one of the most widely spoken and written languages, carrying influence due to music, cinema, general broadcasting, science and the internet. Also, due to the requirement in many fields and occupations, English is become more important on a global scale.
Question 2
How has the ‘Communicative Approach’ made learning English less artificial and more like the real world?
The ‘Communicative Approach’ has shed the use of traditional methods such as pattern drills and structural methods to produce a learning structure based around real life situations such as role plays. As such, this has made English learning less artificial and reduced the formalities that used to come with traditional methods. By creating a more informal learning method, the Communicative Approach allows for a more learning base around more real world usages.
Question 3
List 5 ways to give successful classroom instructions.
1. Short instructions
2. Separate the instructions into steps
3. Allow for enough time for the classroom to follow the instructions
4. Ensure all steps are clear
5. Speak slowly as to not confuse the students
Question 4
What is a good technique to decrease Teacher Talk Time (TTT) and increase Student Talk Time (STT)?
Some good techniques to reduce Teacher Talk Time and increase Student Talk Time are:
Ask open ended questions and questions that can be answered with yes or no (closed questions)
Have the students read out questions and explanation where possible
Create activities that require pairs or groups as to promote speaking between students
Allow ample time for students to answer questions and avoid answering the question as soon as a student shows signs of difficulties
Rather than answering a student, try and have them work things out on their own. This can be done by ‘guiding’ them to an answer
Allow for silence. Have the students fill the silence if necessary.
Question 5
What is the goal of English for Academic Purposes (EAP)?
The goal of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is to study for specific academic goals such as sitting TOEFL or IELTS examinations, in order to study or work overseas.
Question 6
What is important to understand when considering student levels?
It is important to consider how a student answers the questions you ask when assessing their English level. It is important to take into consideration how long they take to answer a question, the fluency of their response, the level of language used, and whether the questions needs to be repeated or explained to the student. These factors are important to consider as a whole as they will give a more comprehensive assessment of the students learning requirement and thus their English level.
Question 7
What phase builds background knowledge in EAP lessons?
The pre-reading phase builds background knowledge in EAP lessons.
Chapter 2
Question 1
What is the purpose of the Presentation, Practice and Production model?
The purpose of the Presentation, Practice and Production model is to present a topic that is meaningful, memorable and realistic, have the students practice the topic and concept that has been presented by the teacher and finally, have the students produce a personalised demonstration based on the concepts learnt to determine the level of the student’s comprehension.
Question 2
During the Presentation stage, how should new language be presented? And why?
During the presentation stage, new language should be presented clearly and in context to allow clear understanding of the language being taught. This can be done through the use of a video that incorporates the language being taught and also accompanied by a dialogue sheet. It is very important that the language is taught in context and can be used immediately. Also using body language and speaking slowly and clearly will aid in the presentation stage.
The way in which new language is presented to students is important as it will determine how effective the lesson will be. It is always important to take into consideration how your students learn and also how you present new lessons as it will determine whether the students understand what is being taught and also the concepts that are required to be reproduced.
Question 3
What are controlled activities?
Controlled activities are activities in which the teacher knows the answer, question or language which the students will produce. Activities such as displaying flashcards with a picture of 1 thing can be used and the students must answer with what is on the flashcard.
Question 4
What is the teacher’s role in the Production stage?
The teacher’s role in the Production stage is to focus on incorporating meaningful practice into the lessons so that the students can reproduce conversations for specific situations.
Question 5
Developmentally, which language skill is first in language acquisition?
Developmentally, the listening skill is the first skill in language acquisition.
Question 6
How do good writing skills develop?
Good writing skills are developed through greater exposure to formal written language. As a student becomes more familiar with formal written English, their writing skills should begin to develop. This is because a student’s writing skill goes hand in hand with their reading skill.
Question 7
Why is the speaking skill difficult for second language learners?
Speaking skill can difficult skill for second language learners to developed for several different reasons. Each student may find developing their speaking skill a little difficult due to the differences between their native language and the foreign language they wish to learn, not being able to practice what has been learnt outside lessons or even due to their confidence levels.
Question 8
Create an activity for any topic of choice for the ‘Speaking skill’ for Upper Intermediate students. Include all resources.
Topic: Travel
Activity: Have the class discuss about where they have or would like to travel for an Overseas trip. And why?
Resources: Some travel brochures for students that have not travelled overseas before.
Question 9
Create a Listening activity for the topic in Q.8, include all resources.
Topic: Travel
Activity: Hand out a questionnaire in regards to a video clip shown at the beginning of the lesson. Have the students read the questions out loud. Then replay the video and have the students complete the questionnaire.
Resources: Video clip on planning a holiday trip overseas.
Question 10
Create a 45 minute lesson plan for Adults using the activities and resources from Q.8 and Q.9.
Topic: Travel
Level: Upper Intermediate
Age: Adult
Length: 45 Minutes
TESOL Methodology: Eclective approarch, macrologue
Language Skills: Listening, speaking and reading
Lesson Objectives: Student to plan overseas holiday trip
Resources: Video clip
Pre-task: Show a short video clip of a person planning and going on a holiday
Teaching 1: Hand out a questionnaire in regards to a video clip shown at the beginning of the lesson. Have the students read the questions out loud. Then replay the video and have the students complete the questionnaire.
Task 1: Students to listen to video to answer questions.
Teaching 2: Have the class discuss about where they have or would like to travel for an Overseas trip. And why?
Task 2: Students to discuss past or future travel plans
Teaching 3: Instruct the students to prepare a macrologue based on one of their past or future overseas travel plans.
Task 3: Students complete macrologue in pairs
Follow-up: Have each pair present their macrologue to the class.
Chapter 3
Question 1
Should all mistakes be corrected in the TESOL classroom? If yes, why? If no, why not?
All mistakes should not be corrected in the TESOL classroom. The reason for this is that students may lose confidence in their English ability and begin to withdraw from lesson participation. When correcting a student’s written work, in most cases only one grammar point should be correct per lesson. However, this differs from English speaking skills. When a student is reading, you will need to correct all errors to stop other students learning the errors and also to ensure that the student knows what the correct way to read a specific word is. Also, as a natural part of speaking, mistakes do occur and should be taken into consideration when the student is speaking. With this in mind, not all mistakes made when speaking need to be corrected.
Question 2
Why should you incorporate ‘ice-breaker’ activities into your lessons, especially on the first day?
‘Ice breaker’ activities should be incorporated into your lessons, especially on the first day as it will allow you to assess your students’ levels and also allows the students the time to get to know their peers. These ice breakers also put your students’ minds at ease and relax them prior to beginning the formal aspects to the lesson.
Question 3
List appropriate teaching aids and materials for teaching adults.
Overhead projector
Question 4
List realia that could be used for teaching adults who would like to travel.
Question 5
What should a teacher do in the case of late arriving students?
If a student is late, try not to overreact, simply nod acknowledgement of their arrival and tell them what page or sheet you are working on.
Question 6
What should you do if you notice your students are bored?
If your students appear bored in the lesson perhaps it is too easy or too difficult. Adapt the material or swap if for a discussion instead.
Question 7
What can you do if your lesson finishes early?
If the lesson finishes early, always have a game of fun activity up your sleeve to play with the class.
Question 8
What can you do if your lesson is too long?
If your lesson is too long, drop an activity and use it the next lesson for review or as a follow on lesson.