It was the night before the PSSA’s in third grade. I knew that I …show more content…
I didn’t know if I would be able to finish the test or know how to answer the questions. We got to the cafeteria where we ate breakfast and talked about what we were going to do throughout the day. After about 15 minutes, we headed to our classroom and prepared for the test. This is when my heart started to race. My third grade teacher, Mr. Outley, told us that everything would be fine. He said that if we didn't finish the test, then we could do it after lunch. He handed every student a booklet and gave us the instructions for the day. Some students asked some questions, then we began the test. My head was pounding and I couldn't think straight, so I just sat there and stared at my …show more content…
Outley was there for me the first day of the PSSA’s. I was extremely nervous but he was able to calm me down and help me on the next day while I took the test. My family and friends have also helped me with taking tests after I had the panic attack. Since I was so young, I overthought the test and imagined the worst that could happen. I thought I wouldn't have any time to finish or would do poorly on the test. I've learned ways to study and prepare for tests. Taking tests are a lot easier for me now since everyone helped me that