The following criteria provide guidance for the marks awarded in each section of the project assessment forms.
Also appended, for reference, are the approved generic assessment criteria for the project as a whole.
Planning/Organisation - Based on planning, scheduling, initial technical proposal, logbook, interim report.
Marks out of 10
9 - 10
As below plus: the project will have been executed following a clear plan, with progress and use of resources documented in the logbook in a professional manner. Capable of sophisticated task planning. Highly motivated and innovative.
A clear project plan will have been followed and progress and use of resources documented in the logbook. Highly organised and motivated. Showed independence, originality and flair.
Able to adapt to changes.
A clear project plan will have been followed and progress and use of resources documented in the logbook. Well organised and well motivated.
A project plan will have been produced and the logbook used to record progress and use of resources. Evidence of organisation and able to solve some problems independently.
A project plan will have been produced and the logbook used to record progress and use of resources. Required some assistance but some evidence of organisation.
Fails completely or largely to meet the criteria in the range above.
Achievement - Based on first marker’s knowledge and hardware or software displayed at Project Exhibition.
Marks out of 20.
17 - 20
The final project achievement will be of an outstanding standard, with objectives achieved and indicative of a high level of independence.
14 -16
The final project achievement will be of an excellent standard with objectives substantially achieved and indicative of independence.
12 - 13
The final project achievement will be of a good to very good standard, with good progress towards the