There are about 20 different Fugu fish species that contain different concentrations of …show more content…
There were three different occasion where people were poisoned with TTX, once in 1996, then in two in 2014. There might have been more, however, it was not reported to the CDC or the FDA. The first case in 1996 was in California where three people were poisoned. The amount of Fugu that they ate range from ¼ -1 ½ Oz and all three cases begin showing symptoms within 20 minutes of ingesting the contaminated fish (“Tetrodotoxin Poisoning”, 1996). The victims were sent to the local emergency department where the medical practitioner could support them until the toxin was resolve. The reason for this outbreak was because a chef brought the Fugu prepackaged, ready to eat product from Japan and did not declare the fish with customs. The chef shared the Fugu with other chefs in California where the outbreak occurs (“Tetrodotoxin Poisoning”,