With the advancement in technology, life has become much more convenient. These improvements in the living standards are brought about by the use of computers. In the 21st century the world has come across many innovative gadgets like tablets, notebook computers, and kindles etc. which are being used for educational purposes. Many discussions have taken place lately as to judge whether books will be replaced by computers in the near future. The question which arises here is that as both books and computers are beneficial assets to people and include advantages and disadvantages, is it likely that computers will fully replace books? Well, it is generally accepted that textbooks shall soon be replaced by notebook computers and tablets as they make education accessible and cheap thus more widespread. This paper gives evidence for the given statement and a picture of what the future scenario is going to be like.
One of the major factors which is tipping the balance against textbooks is the cost. A wide majority of students are price conscious. Now if an ebook is available at 5$, who in their right mind will spend 80 to 100 $ from their hard earned cash to buy a book, which other then being cheaper offers them numerous other advantages. Convenience is one of the main reason why tablets are preferred over textbooks. 1500 adults in England were questioned about their reading habits by DJS Research for ‘Book trust’ and 73% of the students who own tablets prefer digital format over print for reading textbooks. (Booktrust Reading Habits Survey 2013).They provide easy portability as their thin structure and light weight makes them easier to carry around and use in schools and universities. One Kindle can store over 10,000 books, so tablets overcome the problems of books taking up a lot of space. Student’s school bags are often very heavy and may cause long-term health problems and