Workers were assigned jobs based on their age or size. Younger, smaller girls would be assigned to remove the bobbins of thread from the machines. They would be assigned jobs similar to these mainly because they had the smallest hands and would be able to work with the thread the easiest. Since their job was considered to be dangerous, they would only work for 15 minutes at a time. They would spend the rest of their time in study and play. As a result, their workload was much smaller compared almost any other job. …show more content…
For example, older women would sometimes serve as ‘mothers’ to the younger girls, weavers, operatives, spinners, or mill hands. The workers who served as ‘mothers’ would also have other occupations.
The workers would be responsible to keep the company boarding houses clean and well-managed. Each boarding house would hold anywhere from fifty to sixty workers. However, the boarding houses, similar to the mills, had poor circulation. The mills had the windows and doors closed throughout the day be
The lives of the workers were not private. They were required to attend Sunday church and performances on Sunday evenings. If they failed to attend either one, they would most likely be fired and sent home.
Workers were served three good-sized meals