One of the main concerns that will be discussed is the working conditions that the workers had to deal with. These working conditions were terrible. More factories were on the rise, which in turn demanded workforce. People were willing to work at all means so therefor wages were set extremely low. Statistics shows that these workers worked for about fourteen to sixteen hours a day for six days a week and would receive about $8 to $10 a week. These factories that they worked in were not the best place to be. There were very limited light source, as the sun was statically the only means of light that came through the …show more content…
windows. Many accidents and injures were brought about becuase of this. They also had to work with very little to eat which limited their performance level that in turn led to many of them losing their jobs due to illnesses.
Another issue that stood out during this time was that of child labor.
According to statistics, child labor reached its peak during this time. At the age of four children were forced to work in order to help provide for their families. Children often worked for long tiring hours in dangerous working conditions for very little to no pay at all. They were typically used as laborers because they were small and can fit into tightly packed areas. These children often worked in textile factories and coal mines. They were unskilled and uneducated, and this led to many of them being killed by the machines as they would climb onto them to fix or service them. Others experienced severe injuries such as the lost of fingers, hand and even their legs. They were uneducated because they were forbidden from receiving any
Living conditions was also a factor that added to the issues that workers and families were faced with. The word “Slums” can be used to describe where the workers lived. About two or more families shared one room. The apartment buildings that they lived in were considered to be “Tenement”. This means that they were very small, very crowded and lacked indoor plumbing. The sanitation level was so low that diseases were widely spreading at a rapid rate. Due to this many became very ill and because of the lack of medicine they were not about to receive medical help to aid to their illness and eventually led to the death of many.
The facts and thoughts that were mentioned above all cooperate with each other. These highlighted that during the nineteenth and twentieth century it was quite terrible that people rioted and protested for change. Eventually, laws were made which improved many of these conditions. These laws provided the people with a better life style that was better fitting and substantial.