Provide Customer Service, Receive and disburse money, Operate a cash register, Answer customers' questions, Compute and record totals of transactions, Greet customers, Maintain clean and orderly checkout area, Process merchandise returns and exchanges, Resolve customer complaints, Balance cash register, Sell products or services, Price merchandise, Provide Customer Service, Receive and disburse money, Operate a cash register, Answer customer questions, Compute and record totals of transactions, Greet customers, Maintain clean and orderly checkout area, Process merchandise returns and exchanges, Resolve customer complaints, Balance cash register, Sell products or services and Price merchandise…
11. What are waxes and what is its function? Waxes are on leaves of plants to make them waterproof.…
This deadly Combination is brought to a heart wrenching point in the YouTube video called “Don’t text while driving” is also a campaign started by AT&T in 2010 “It can wait”. Everyday people are killed in car accidents. Motor vehicles are responsible for the lives of many innocent drivers and passengers on the road. A common reason responsible for these accidents involve texting while driving. Texting and driving projects horrific accidents whose consequences can be fatal and life changing. AT&T supports drivers to not text and drive on the road through their “Don’t text while driving” advertisements. In one of the short stories, a young man suffers from brain damage as a consequence to the text message “Where r” he was sending while operating a motor vehicle. Another one of AT&T’s short stories personifies a sister of a texting and driving victim. AT&T’s video sets a sympathetic mood, uses trustworthy spokespersons and uses style in textual information to appeal to the audience while convincing viewers to not text and drive.…
In today’s modern age we are all connected; the younger the generation, the more emphasis it puts into being connected and culturally significant. In this endless struggle, young adults eighteen to twenty-five years of age cross many boundaries and test the limits they have long been warned of. What does it take to send a clear message, but without having the audience experience life-shattering consequences first-hand for themselves? “PSA Texting While Driving UK AD [HD]” directed by Peter Watkins- Hughes speaks to young adults on many levels all at once in a short span, with a strong attention to detail that ranges from how the actors are portrayed to the lesser details that still draw the eye and make the audience wonder about safety. In connecting these young adults to the video, Watkins- Hughes is able to direct his viewers’ attention to the actions made by the actors, and the to question those actions for that next time the viewers find themselves in a car. By helping them cultivate the right actions and habits earlier in life, this PSA is raising everyone’s security in the future.…
How many people text behind the wheel of their vehicle? Can we relate to the following story? Jaci Lemons* is driving down the street, headed to school. The 17 year old driver is texting another friend. As she looks down to read the incoming text, Jaci veers off to the right and crashes head-on into the back of a parked vehicle. She is taken to the hospital, but after brief examination by the attending ER doctor, Jaci is released. Thankfully, the only thing bruised is her pride, and her pocketbook. Missouri should make texting while driving illegal for all drivers, not just the drivers aged 21 and under. Missouri has passed a state law, on Aug. 28, 2009, that prohibits drivers 21 years of age or younger from sending or reading a text while driving. While that is a great start, it isn't enough. Drivers across the country have been seen in their vehicles doing all sorts of dangerous, weird, and downright strange things while driving. Watching a DVD movie (really), dressing, putting on makeup, eating, texting, etc; but texting is what is causing legislatures some concern here in Missouri. The problem is we spend so many hours behind the wheel that seemingly, we are driving on "auto pilot". (Have you ever driven a while and then could not remember any of it?)…
Thesis: Technology, such as texting, while driving is unsafe and can be a hazard to teen drivers and others.…
The American Revolution began in 1775 as open conflict between the united thirteen colonies and Great Britain. By the Treaty of Paris that ended the war in 1783, the colonies had won their independence. While no one event can be pointed to as the actual cause of the revolution, the war began as a disagreement over the way in which Great Britain treated the colonies versus the way the colonies felt they should be treated. Americans felt they deserved all the rights of Englishmen. The British, on the other hand, felt that the colonies were created to be used in the way that best suited the crown and parliament. This conflict is embodied in one of the rallying cries of the American Revolution: No Taxation Without Representation.…
Every day we witness multiple tragic accidents involving people texting and driving. In my paper I will be arguing that the state of Minnesota should act boldly to create tougher laws on texting and driving offenders, and also create laws to ban people from using hands-free cell phones in their vehicle unless needed for an emergency. Also it is to be determined the meaning of texting and driving, the people involved, the laws needed to enforce it, which is affected when someone is injured or killed; and what is being done about it.…
The Texting and Driving: SD Department of Highway Safety public service announcement was uploaded on YouTube in 2010, having over 290,000 views. This video has inspired 288 people across South Dakota and potentially the nation to post a comment considering the implications of such an action. At the beginning of the video is a young women creating a critique of a new smart phone driving as a video, combing over features of the phone, oblivious to the road and suddenly the flash a small child running out into the road to grab a basketball before the scream of the young women commences before the screen blacks out and displays the words, “Texting and Driving, save a life, save it for l8r”. This video is an applicable example of appeal to an audiences Emotion, Reasoning and Credibility.…
On February 9, 2011, little Enzo Williams was traveling with his mother, father and his older sister, they had approached a red light and were at a complete stop waiting for the light to turn green, when from out of nowhere a SUV driving at a high rate of speed driven by Sydney Wright smashed into the back of their vehicle. Sydney Wright was texting what was claimed to be a short text message and took the life of this innocent little boy. Enzo’s mother, father, and sister walked away from the wreck as did the driver of the other vehicle Sydney. Enzo suffered a bruised windpipe and a skull fracture; he was transported by ambulance to the nearest hospital where he lived for two short days. He was unable to recover from his injuries, he was 6 months old.…
them and even where their going and how all this distraction is due to cell phone…
Texting while driving is the act of composing, sending, reading text messages, email while driving. (Wikipedia)…
Many consider that texting while driving can be very dangerous.They say that roads aren’t safe when driver’s text and drive. But in reality there wouldn’t be a difference in roads if the ban of texting while driving was enacted. In my opinion I don’t think texting while driving should be banned. I disagree with the whole concept of it. Banning texting while driving would be pointless, hard to enforce, and it isn’t the cause of increase in car accidents.…
In Harris County Texas it is said that one of the most dangerous crimes committed is drunk driving. Unfortunately drunk driving is a big issue hanging over the heads of law enforcement. Harris County is number one in the country for drunken driving fatalities, and yet I will make the argument that texting while driving is potentially as dangerous if not more as drunk driving. I believe the reason that this issue is more volatile than drunk driving because everyone is capable of texting while driving. Drunk driving is unique to people that drink alcohol, and when you take the entire population that drinks alcohol it pales in comparison to the population that text while driving. This issue is starting to make national headlines; the government is starting to pay attention to staggering statistics and acting. Since teenagers make up the majority of violators the government has found new ways to reach teenagers and young adults in marketing campaigns. While teenagers are not the only violators the marketing has been focused towards teenagers and young adults and it has shown to be effective in its early stages.…
a. Virginia Tech Transportation Institute conducted tests using drivers texting, drivers under the influence of alcohol, and drivers under the influence of marijuana. It has been proven that texting is more dangerous than being under the influence. In fact, a distracted driver is more likely to cause an accident 2.8 times as much as a non- distracted driver. The statistics from the study show that drivers, between the age of 17 and 24, reduce their reaction time by 35% while texting. As a driver under the influence of marijuana, reduces their reaction time by 21% and drivers while intoxicated, only 12%.…